Ch. 42 - Crushing Cans

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Eun-ha parks in front of a tall building and kicks on the breaks. She looks at the place up and down then messes with her engine as she steps and lets go of her foot gear shift back and forth.

 She looks at the place up and down then messes with her engine as she steps and lets go of her foot gear shift back and forth

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

She looks down to her hands and takes out her phone, texting her hyungs that she got to the place safe. It was mostly Yoon-gi's idea since the boys went to a radio station for an interview again. "I— am— here. Goodluck on your weird stuff there guys.", she mumbled as she types the message on their group chat.

People were staring at the girl in black leather and badass-looking, full-face helmet on her roaring street bike at the entrance and one chauffer approached her. "Good morning ma'am. Are you here as a guest?", he bows politely and suspiciously looks up to her.

Eun-ha slides up her dark, face shield and turns to him. "Uhm. I'm suppose to be here for the first day of the shoot with JB and others.", she said with a muffled voice. "I'm Rha Eun-ha of BTS.", she gets off her bike and takes off her helmet, whipping her hair to the back and puts her helmet on the handle bars.

The crowd paused and they noticed her. They whispered to each other, leaving Eun-ha to sweat in nervousness.

"Uh—", the chauffer had his jaw dropped and didn't know what to say till a hand pats him in the back.

"She's with me. I got her.", JB appears behind him and smiles. "Welcome Eun-ha. I was wondering what the heck was all the noise out here. Didn't expect it to be you.", he takes her bike keys and gives it to the chauffer. "Take it out in eight hours stat."

"Y-yes sir.", the chauffer bows and takes Eun-ha's bike, driving away.

"Thanks JB. I thought I was a goner back there. He just stood their gawking and didn't know what to do. The only idea I had left was to punch him in the face.", Eun-ha lets out a sigh of relief.

JB laughs and scratches the back of his neck. "Lucky for you, I got here just in time. Let's go before you grab more attention.", he gently grabs her hand and walks back into the studio.

Few minutes later, after they greeted seniors and staff, Eun-ha screams.

"Wah! W-what are you doing here Hyo-rin?!"

"Oh? Jun didn't tell you? The reason why I came back is because I got a gig for a drama. I'm here to do makeup work and help with the wardrobe.", Hyo-rin pats a female staff's face as if she were her pet and takes off her fur jacket. "Jun's talking with the director right now. He should be here soon."

Eun-ha and JB looked at each other then smirked in synced. JB takes off his leather jacket and turns around. "I'll leave you girls for your pep talk."

"You right. Go away. Shoo.", Hyo-rin shoos him.

JB rolls his eyes and walks to the camera staff to talk.

"So... Since Christmas, all you've been talking about is Jun.", Eun-ha grins. "What happened?"

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