Ch. 88 - B-Boy Waltz

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Today was one of their day offs and Eun-ha went off on her own to the mall to look for a birthday gift for Jungkook. His birthday was a week away and she needed to get him a present asap. This time, they can't really throw a party anymore since they're going to be performing in Seoul again so her and Jungkook were going to celebrate their birthdays with ARMY at a fan signing event.

"Where the hell is the shoe store around here?", Eun-ha scratches her head as she looks down to the map on her phone. She gets frustrated and dials Suga's number while sipping intensely on her mocha frappe.

Few seconds later, he answered. "Hey. What's wrong Eun-ha?"

"Hyung...", Eun-ha whined and stomps her feet. "I can't find the shoe store I was looking for. I'm at the mall right now and trying to get Jungkook a new pair of tims for his birthday. Man! I don't know why I even came here alone!"

"Then why didn't you? You could've asked me, Aegi-yah. I could've gone with you.", said Suga while holding his chuckle.

Eun-ha giggles and whines again. "Yoon-gi, you're busy with your work. I can't keep on asking you for help whenever I need something you know. Especially when you're working. Aren't you on v-live right now?"

Suga was quiet for a little while till Eun-ha hears him chuckling. "You know... You're sounding like a wife."

"Eh?", Eun-ha chokes on her drink and coughs. "What are you saying out of nowhere?"

"I'm just saying. It's not a bad thing. Rather, I like it...", said Suga in a mumbling tone. He was purring on the other side of the line too.

Eun-ha face-palmed herself and smiles. "You pabo.", she giggled and starts walking again. "Alright alright. I shouldn't bother you while you're working. Do you need anything before I hang up? I can probably get them for you."

Suga became quiet again, in thought. "Hm.", he pauses. "I need you."

"HYUNG!", Eun-ha turned pink and became flustered of his blunt confessions. "Aish, really!", she flinches as she shouted, catching some of the bystanders' attention. "I'll talk to you later. Maybe check you out on v-live."

Suga laughs. "Alright. See you later. Love you."

Eun-ha felt too embarrassed to return his I love you and just huffs on the phone. "See- see you!", she immediately hangs up and lets out a long sigh. "This guy... I swear.", she giggles and continues to search for the shoe store.

Along the way, some ARMYs recognized her in her pure, white hair.

"Uwa. Unnie! You look pretty!", girl number one came close with her other two friends and greeted her.

Eun-ha smiles and bows her head. "Thank you. But Jiminie is prettier.", she joked.

Girl number two pulls put her phone and marker. "Can you sign my phone case unnie? I mean if it's not a bother!"

"Of course. Why would it be a bother?", Eun-ha shows them a sparkly smile that made them squeal. She takes the girl's phone and signs the back of it.

The third girl was on her phone the whole time and giggled. "Suga-oppa is on v-live. He's so cool!"

Eun-ha's attention was caught by her and she tried her best to get it together. She wanted to yell it out that Suga is the best in the world.

"Aw, a fan asked him to marry her! Listen to what he said!", girl number three gathers her friends including Eun-ha into a group circle and plays the video.

Suga was staring at the comment section and smirked. "Bring the marriage papers over here and we'll do it."

The girls squealed, fangirling while Eun-ha turned into a stone.

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