Ch. 19 - Steamy

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There was mouse clicking everywhere. Suga groans in pain and soreness as he struggles to wake up. The noise was echoing in the room. He opens his eyes slowly and sits up from the seat, stretching his back.

"Damn...", Suga scratches his head and and rested his elbows on his lap. Smacking his lips, his vision cleared and he sees Eun-ha laying on her stomach on her bed while playing on her laptop. Wrapped in a blanket burrito.

"Oh, hyung.", Eun-ha perks up. "Jin-hyung left some clothes for you this morning. It's in the bathroom so go clean up.", she laughs.

Suga sleepily stands up and makes his way to her bathroom near the doorway. Once he got in, he faces the mirror and his eyes opened wide. There were eyeliner markings all over his face. He glares at his reflection and hisses. "Jin...", he growls and takes off his clothes, heading inside the shower.

Few minutes later, he walks out of the bathroom, rubbing his head with the towel. He wore a pair of black sweats and a white tee. He stood at the hall, looking at Eun-ha sulking. She was now out of the blanket burrito.

"We lost we lost we lost!", she shrieks quietly and grabs the box of strawberry pocky sticks on the side of her laptop, pulling out a stick and angrily nibbles on the top of it.

"Loser.", Suga slowly makes his way to the edge of the bed but before he can sit down, he eyes her. He couldn't help it. Now that they ARE together, the skin she was showing was triggering some man hormones. Insert Lenny face here.

She wore a black tee and white shorts that tightened around her bottom area. "Shut up!"

Suga sighs and leans himself on the bed frame. "Eun-ha.", extending his hand to her while sitting on a cool position.

"What?", she looks over her shoulder and gives him a snobby retort while pouting with a pocky stick in her mouth.

The white-haired gestures her with his extended hand. "Come here.", he said, demanding.

Eun-ha rolls her eyes and turns to crawl on the bed, to him. "What is—", she gets cut as Suga closes in on her, biting the opposite end of the pocky that was in her mouth. "Suga—", she squirms and tries to back away but Suga slides his hand behind her neck and pulls her close. She turns red.

He meets her eyes and he smirks as he bites down onto the stick, shortening the length of it and the distance between his lips and hers. 

With a gulp, Eun-ha shuts her eyes close and stiffens herself up, her hands to her lap. She felt his breath on her face and she slightly opens her eyes. "Suga...", she mumbled as she sees his face right in front of hers.

"You're acting pretty normal for your first relationship.", his smirk disappears as he presses their teeth together and bites on the treat, chewing the rest of it and leans his back on the frame. 

"W-what's that suppose to mean? Were things suppose to change?", Eun-ha trembled on the spot and fixes her position. She sat on her knees, between Suga's legs.

Suga reaches for her cheek and rubs her with his thumb. "Yes. Act more spoiled when you're with me.", he whispers and gives her hints to move closer to him by letting her follow his hand.

She doesn't say anything and does follow him. Her eyes turned to him and her lips were shut, quivering. She finds herself resting on his chest as one of his hands snaked around her waist and the other snaked behind her neck. She whimpers at the cold touch and tilts her head to the side, feeling his breath on her neck.

"You bit me last night.", Suga lightly gives her a peck on the neck. "And this is payback."

"B-bit you?!", Eun-ha squealed. She backed away from his face for a second and started to have flashbacks from last night.

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