Prepare for Final Exam

Start from the beginning

Kendo smile "You guys were talking earlier about how you don't know what's gonna be on the practical exam for the finals, right? Looks like it'll be combat against robots like in the entrance exam" Midoriya ask shock "What?! Really? How do you know?" She smile nervously "An upperclassman friend of mine told me. It's kind of cheating though" "No it's not cheating" everyone look at Midoriya who started muttering.

Bakugo shout "It doesn't matter if they're people or robots. They're the same if you beat 'em up, right? What are you idiots talking about it being a cinch for?" Kaminari point at Bakugo "Who're you calling an idiot?!" "Shut up! If you need to control your Quirk, then control it! Idiot!" he turned to Midoriya "I don't know if you've figured out how to use your Quirk, a little or what, but you seriously keep rubbing me the wrong way"

Midoriya gulp nervously at KitKat's angry glare "I don't need another half assed result like at the Sports Festival. At the upcoming finals, we'll get individual scores, so we'll see who's better whether you like it or not. I'll beat you with an indisputable difference! I'll kill you Damn Deku!" He look at Shoto and Fidelia "Todoroki! Fidelia! You, too!" There's tensions in the entire class.

Kirishima the first one that talked while rub his head "It's been a while since I've seen Bakugo that intense" "Impatient or hatred?" add Tokoyami poetically. 😾Does he really have to do that? 😄Well, he wouldn't be Bakugo if not True, anyway Child did you sense it? Bakugo has gotten worse than I thought Fidelia smile at Ginji Yeah, Aizawa-Sensei is just outside hear everything

~~~Fidelia's POV~~~
I knock on Otaku's door "Yes?" "Otaku" he open it "What is it Fidelia-chan?" "About the written exam... Do you mind if I learned with you?" "I don't mind" he open his bedroom door "Come in" I nod then see books and training equipment on the bed "You study and training at the same time?"

He nod "There's practical exam too... so I want to make sure no time is waisting" "I could help you with the practical exam" "Really?!" I nod "Although I'm not too good at written exam" "Thanks! So which part are you having trouble with?" I open my notebook "This one" suddenly our phone ring then they see it's a group message

~~~K Team Chat~~~

Ikemen cold-hot Boy: Lida, Midoriya, Fidelia did you think you could help me with something?

Otaku: What is it Todoroki-kun?

Ikemen Robotto Boy: Sure! What is it you need Todoroki-kun?

3✔️If it something I could help, then sure Shoto-kun

Ikemen cold-hot: I was thinking of improving my fighting skills and brain skills. So what do you 3 say if we learn together?

Ikemen Robotto Boy: That's a great idea!

Otaku: Sure, where are we going to study together?

Ikemen cold-hot: Well since my father is not home you guys could come to my house. Even if he does come home ignore him.

Ikemen Robotto Boy: *Hand motion* Todoroki-kun you can't talk like that to your father!

3✔️Sure, we'll be there.

(A/n: ✔️ means they already read it)

I look at Midoriya who already pack everything 🙀Did he just text and prepared everything at the same time? "Ready Otaku?" Midoriya nod then they shout "We're going!" Inko ask "Where are you 2 going?" Midoriya smile widens "We'll study with some friends" Inko bite a napkin while tears fall on her face "Mother?!" "My boy got friends!" Midoriya started to panic while she wipe her tears and smile "Take care!" We nod then went to Todoroki's house.

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