Chapter 6 - Unexpected Results

Start from the beginning

She smiles, a sad, awkward smile of someone who doesn't know how the behave. "Me too."

I nod, hating myself for being unable to say something else, to keep the conversation alive and avoid the return of the disturbing silence.

I stare at the screen in front of Emma, not quite sure what she is doing, in an effort to avoid Daphne's eyes now that the conversation died again. I hear Daphne sighing and move in her chair but ignore her. A then she grabs my arm, squeezing it a little, obliging me to look at her, at her guilty expression and saddened eyes.

"Kiara, I can't... I don't know how to put it but well what I want to say is I am sorry. Sorry for kissing him, for bringing you the pain of arriving at school after... after what happened and find what you did, lose someone else. I... I shouldn't have kissed him."

I feel the tears in my eyes wanting to escape, feel the sadness and the pain that's revived by her words. And over it all, I feel guilty. Guilty because I did blame her until now, until hear her words, her apologizes and realise it was never her fault and never will be. She didn't know the truth, Oliver lied to her. She is not the one to blame, only Oliver is.

"It was not your fault, Daphne. Not at all. You didn't know the truth, you didn't know I hadn't broken up with him. And I... I should have blamed you as I've been doing. I am sorry."

"It's just that I feel that I should have known. I... I had a feeling, you know? That something was wrong, that you've broken up with him was strange almost impossible. You seemed always so happy when I saw you with him... And I completely ignored the feeling."

"Still it is not your fault. You liked him, I mean who doesn't? And he was giving you an opportunity of kissing him, of being his girlfriend. Why would you waste it, why would you tell him no if you liked him, after he tells you I had broken up with him?"

She sniffs, looking away, fighting her own tears as I fight mine. Emma clears her throat, making us look at her. Her eyes for some seconds until I smile at her, signaling everything is okay. "I hate to interrupt such emotional conversation but come here, you two. And by the way, Kiara's right, Daphne, it is not your fault."

Daphne smiles, weakly, while standing up and I smile back at her. I don't know about her, but this conversation just made me more determined about stopping Oliver, about giving him what he deserves. We come closer to the compute and the little smile I had on my face grows wider. Emma did it! She did it!

I hug her, unable to express my emotions in any other way. "You're amazing, Em!"

"That's incredible!" Daphne confirms, clearly delighted.

"What were you expecting? I'm fantastic! Of course I did it!" Emma answers with a big smile in her face.

"And someone with a big ego..." I mumble and she hits me playfully.

"I have the right to have a big ego, my dear friend! I am brilliant!"

We all laugh. I look at the computer, my brain still assimilating what my eyes are seeing, what Emma could do. In front of me, all Oliver's social medias are open waiting for us to finish our plan.

"Who wants to do the honors?" Emma asks, giving us access to the computer.

Daphne smiles devilish and I decide to give her the honors. After all she deserves to get her revenge as much as I do and I don't really care who does it as long as it gets done.

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