Chapter 20 - The Queen, not a pawn

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I shut my eyes open, my heart racing inside my chest. What are those visions? Why am I having them? What do they mean?

  "Good morning, little bird," a voice says. Danton. Inside my room. Again. "What a wonderful outfit you have today. How was the training?" he continues in a mocking tone that tells me that somehow he knows what happened.

  "Good," I dryly replay. "Why are you here?"

-He chuckles. "I agree with you. But it would have been even better if you had actually killed my brother."

  "Get out or I'll call Dominic."

  He shakes his head. "You'll do no such thing. If you were going to go that, you would have already called him."

  "You lied. Dominic is no monster."

  "I said the truth. You chose to do not believe it."

  "No." Not again. I'll not let him makes me doubt Dominic again. "You lied. Dominic is no monster. Dominic is the only who always protected me, he is the only one I can trust. I'll not trust a stranger more than I trust Dominic."

   "But you already did. You believed me, even if for just some hours. You believed my words."

  "Get out."

  "Give me one last opportunity."

  "Why would I do such thing?"

  He fixes his intense silver gaze on mine and gets closer, his movements deliberately slow. "Because a part of you isn't completely sure it. A part of you is curious to know what I still have to tell you."

  "I don't trust you."

  He smiles, showing his sharp fangs. Fangs, I realize now, Dominic has always hidden. "You don't need to."

  I frown. "What?"

  "You trust my Brother, wasn't it what you said? That you believe my dear Brother's words. Then let me take you, let's hear what he has to say."

  "Take me where? What he has to say?"

  He places something in my hand. A bottle with a strange purple liquid inside. "Drink."

  "No way I am drinking this! And where do you want to take me?"

  "We will not get out of the castle if that's what you are afraid of. And, my dear little bird, if I wanted you killed I would have killed you myself and not with a poison."

  "Then what is this?"

  "If you want to hear what my Brother has to say, it is not wise to let him hear you or acknowledging your presence. And let's be honest, you smell like a human and make too much noise breathing."

  "I am sorry if I need to breathe!" I grunt, not completely sure if he has just insulted me or not.

  "Just drink this. We have not the rest of the day. Soon the conversation will be over and go there will be a waste of my time as well as a stupid risk."

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