Chapter 31 - I don't want peace

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Even if Danton's last words where able to make the fear find a place inside my heart, I can't help but feel relieved because he's finally gone. Just now I notice how tense I was, as if I was ready to run away at the slightest sign of danger. The truth, something I hadn't notice while I spoke with him, is I was afraid of him, of what he could do.

The war is starting. A war where I'll not take part. I'll be in my room, a stake in my hand to protect myself, awaiting for the end of this war. And when it ends, in the middle of the confusion that with no doubts will follow it I'll run away. Run back to the human kind, to the people like me and forget everything about this mad world. Forget what I discovered, who I should become, what I did.

I clench my jaw. I can't. I can't forget. I'll run away but not forget. Not until I've my revenge.

Suddenly I hear a voice. Deep, dark and powerful coming from nowhere. "You've the rest of the day to decide. We can give you a second opportunity. Come to our side, fight with us and we'll have mercy on you. Dominic Rockwell, you're the only one we want. Give up and no one needs to die."

Dominic will not give up. Giving them a day will just give them time to prepare. Why? Why don't they attack immediately? I get out of the garden, running and just stop when I reach my room, panting and blaming the idiot who planned a castle where the only windows of the hallway are too high to any human be able to reach them. I get close to one of the windows and look outside.

And what I see, frightens me. Deformed dark creatures riding black horses are commanded by a giant man who is also ridding a horse, a giant black horse. Find someone riding a giant black horse shouldn't be that difficult. Someone riding a giant black horse. Allocer, Dominic and Danton's father. I analyze him, his hair that from here seems white, his deep green eyes, his emotionless expression, his features so similar with Danton and Dominic's ones. He was the man in the cemetery when my parents were buried, he was smaller that day, looking like a human, but it was him with no doubts. What was he doing there? Why was he there?

As if confirming my suspicions, Danton appears near the man, wearing the same black clothes and combat boots that he had when he met me but this time wearing also a crown. They start discussing something pointing at an invisible point in front of them. I narrow my eyes trying to see what they are pointing at but seeing nothing.

And then I understand. The deformed creatures can't continue, something holding them back. An invisible barrier. Danton makes a signal and some elves appear, throwing arrows against the barrier but they just fall into the grass, harmless.

Dominic created a barrier. That was why Starlyn was here. To create a barrier. And Danton will need her help to destroy it. Will need to waste time finding a price good enough to overpower Dominic payment and see the barrier destroyed. That's the reason for the announcement. Wait until tomorrow because today they can't attack.

"Kiara!" I listen his voice and the anger starts running through my body immediately. Everything I did, everything I believed, everything I allowed my heart to do - to love, to care, to have - for him. For nothing. He is a liar, a killer, the one who killed Rebecca. "You don't need to worry about..."

"Enough!" I shout, still staring at the outside where a Danton in fury seems to be screaming orders. "Enough of your lies."

"My lies?" I detect the confusion in his voice. Such a good actor. Hollywood should find a way to convince him to be an actor. Money to him, peace to me. No one would lose.

I turn to him to find Dominic with a furrowed brow in confusion. I don't care if he sees the anger in my expression, shining in my eyes. I don't even try to hide it. "You'll answer me, honestly for once in your miserable life. Who killed Rebecca?"

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