Chapter 17 - Dark Rose

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  "He also died," I repeat, unable to believe what I've just heard.

  Dominic's sadly nods, the sorrow so evident that if I hadn't seen his brother just some hours ago I would have believed. "Yes. He was killed, Just like Mother."

  I observe his expression, knowing I would have believed him with all my heart if I hadn't see his brother before as alive as a vampire can be. Danton was right. I know nothing about Dominic, I know nothing about the monster who claims to love me.

  "I am so sorry," I manage to answer, knowing that's the expected answer. But not the one I want to give.

  I want to scream at him, to demand for an honest answer, an explanation. But what would it offer me? I've no way of knowing when he is lying and when he is not. I know nothing about him.

  "It is not your fault, Kiara," he replies, his voice hoarse as if he was fighting tears. Tears for a Brother that is not dead. And if he doesn't know? And if he really believes his brother is dead?

  I let him embrace me, but for the first time his arms around me doesn't make me feel safe, they make me feel as if I was in a cage. Because I am. Inside a golden cage, disguised as a castle. But a cage anyways. Full of creatures that prevent me from escaping, surrounded by lies to keep me here.

  "You are so tense, Kiara. Is everything okay?"

  And what if they are not lies, and if really believes what he is saying? Then he wouldn't be lying. He would be telling me what he believes that's the truth. But how can I know which option is right? And why do I refuse to accept that he is not who I believed he was? That my heart made a mistake once again?


  "Yes, yes. I am fine, don't worry." I bite my lip, trying to find an excuse. "I think I need some human company."

  He nods, understanding as always. My Dominic. But who is my Dominic? A monster in disguise or someone real? "I'll call Rebecca."

  He gets up slowly, stretching as he does so, his shirt moving and allowing me to see the six-pack it was hiding. I look away. Why can't the bad guys be cruel, ugly monsters? Why can't they be easy to identify? How can I know if he is one or not?

  "I'll be back later, okay?"

  I just nod, unable to trust my voice. What if I voice one of my fears by accident? He gets out, softly closing the door behind him, leaving me alone in a room where the light is starting to disappear, the night slowly arriving.

  Soon I'll need to light up some candles because for some reason there's no lights in the room. But for now, the light is still enough to see.

  I sigh, not even knowing why I am worrying about something like the illumination of the room when I have so much important things to think about. Like the guy I love but may be my parents' killer. Like his twin brother that was able to create all these problems, all the fear I am feeling right now.

  I look around me, trying to find anything that might help me even if I know that nothing will. And my gaze is caught by a little book on the glass desk. A book that wasn't there before, a book I know too well. My mother's book.

  I get up, unable to believe what my eyes are seeing. The book, my mother's book. The one I had told Dominic about but never believed he would bring me. The book my Mother was reading before she's died. A book I intend to finish now that she can't herself.

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