Chapter 8 - The party

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It's been two weeks since the funeral. Since I formally accepted Dominic as my friend, whatever it means.

  Emma was reticent about accepting him in the beginning, not wanting other guy capable of breaking my already broken heart close to me. But then, somehow, Dominic was able to show her he was worth his trust. But then, somehow, Emma started to speak and act more freely around him, to accept him. Until he became, without doubts, part of our group.

  I observe them discussing something, Emma with her eyes narrow and trying to fight the little smile that threatens to appear in her lips; Dominic laughing freely, amused by her expression.  It is strange to think that he just appeared in our lives one month ago, that only passed two weeks since he started being part of our group. It seems like he is our friend since ever, that he was always part of the group.

  Emma pouts, defeated, which tells me that Dominic won their argument, whatever it was. And then she jumps slightly, seeming to remember something, turning her head to me really quickly, her eyes shinning with excitement. Which makes me scared of what she may have remembered. That expression of her means only one thing - she is close to try to convince me to take part of one of her crazy schemes.

  "There's a party at the forest tomorrow," she says.


  "We are going, K. You know that, right?"

  "I hope you are talking about you and Dominic because I am not going anywhere."

  "C'mon, K," she begs, grabbing my arm with pleading eyes, "you need to forget everything during some time. To keep living. A party would be a good idea, besides you have always liked the parties there."

  I did. Mainly because the trees were able to hide me and Oliver from the people when we wanted to be alone. And because it was a party, free of parents, out of my own parents' reach as the forest was considerable big. Now I do not have Oliver - nor I want him anymore - and the only thing I want is to have my parents with me again. A party will not bring them back, alcohol only works during a few hours. So why would I want to go to a party?

  "It is a good idea!" Dominic exclaims, suddenly, making us look at him surprised. He and Emma rarely agree about something, it seems that myself going to the part is an exception.

  "Then you both can go and have fun."

  He smirks, leaning close, his golden eyes piercing mine, and whispers, "It wouldn't be the same thing without you. You are the only thing able to make the party worth something."

  By now I am already used to him saying those things, even though they keep making me uncomfortable sometimes. Just as he is doing now.

  "If that's what you think, I am sorry but you'll need to find other thing able to make the party worth it because I am not going."

   Emma growls in frustration, which is followed by a sigh and a look of despair at Dominic's direction. Dominic looks back at her, his expression calm as ever. He smiles, slightly nodding his head. Emma shoots me another glare before sighing again and walking away, leaving me and Dominic alone. Or as alone as you can be in the cafetaria.

  I get up, wanting to go after her, but Dominic holds my arm, stopping me.

  "Kiara," he starts as he makes me sit again, "please come to the party. I know you don't want to. I know you want to stay home and mourn, I know that you probably close your eyes every night wishing to never wake up again because there's nothing you want more than join your parents and brother. I know, Kiara, because after my mom's death I wished exactly the same thing. But there's a reason why you only wish it and do not do anything that can end your life, isn't there?"

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