Chapter 15 - Just Need To Make A Choice

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The door cracking open tells me why Danton went away. And also makes me narrow my eyes in confusion for a moment before remember I am still inside. This garden is inside the castle.

I look at the door to see Dominic walking towards me. He seems worried, his brow furrowed and his mind wandering while he thinks about something else. And then he looks directly at me and in his face a beautiful smile appears, making the wrinkles disappear and his eyes shine.

He speeds up, becoming a blur, and then I feel his arms around me, picking me up. He spins around with me in his arms, staring directly at my eyes, his showing something I can only identify as adoration.

I let him do that, allow myself to care only about those caring golden eyes, allow myself to forget Danton's words. How could I believe those words, how could I believe that Dominic was the killer?

He finally places me on the floor again, kissing me fiercely. A kiss that makes me melt, place my arms around his neck and think about nothing else. His lips and mine move in synchrony with him allowing me to lead, to choose how I want the kiss to be. And then his lips leave mine and I moan, wanting them back. He kisses me one more time and then kisses my forehead, my cheeks, my chin. And then his lips kiss my neck, right above my shin and I shiver, stepping back.

You will trust him with your heart until the very moment you feel his fangs ripping your neck skin. He told me to do not let the emotions blind me and here I am doing exactly that.

Dominic looks at me, an eyebrow raised, confused. Adorably confused. He is not an assassin. He can't be. I can't have made such a mistake, trust my family assassin with all my heart. I can't.

"Is everything okay?" he asks, his voice like honey. Honey and not velvet as Danton's. Caring and not hypnotic, wanting to convince me he is right.

"Yes, everything's fine. It's just that... You left so sudden. Why?" Why don't I tell him the truth and let him erase my fears and doubts? Why don't I tell him his brother was here? He will lie. And how can I be sure he'll not? I believed him before, when he pretended to be human. I believed him and even if I understand why he lied I can't forget he was good enough to make me believe. How can I be sure he wouldn't lie again?

He makes a sad smile, so sad that the only thing I want to do is hug him and kiss his lips until the sadness goes away. But I can't. I can't because even if I don't want to, Danton was successful. He made the doubts appear, he made me question my thrust, made me question Dominic's intentions. And I hate him for that. "I thought about spending the day with you in this garden... We could have done a picnic and explore it... But then that vampire arrived and destroyed everything, Kiara. He took away my chance of giving you a little bit of normality, of trying to give you an amazing day as you deserve." He grabs my hands. "And I am so sorry because of it. So, so sorry."

"It's... it's okay. We can still explore the garden if you want."

He shakes his head, the sadness growing. "I wish we could. But Katherine needs my help. Badly." What's his and Katherine's relationship?

I want to ask him that. If nothing else because then I'll know at least one answer. But that's not the question I do. "What happened with her?"

He shakes his head. "Don't worry with her. But it'll take some time until I can leave her." He sighs. "I'll take you to your room, okay? If you want I can ask Rebecca to spend some time with you. She can't stay with Katherine and well I think you need some company."

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