Chapter 29 - Starlyn

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"Will you stay here during the rest of the day?" A feminine voice asks. I've been staring at the grey sky without really seeing it since Sakura got out, thinking about her words, my past, everything.

I hear someone sitting on the grass at my side and look at there to see a fat woman that remembers me of Theodore, the King of Wizards and Witches. In fact, she has the same purple hair and black eyes. But she's infinitely more beautiful, her long hair in a braid decorated with white flowers that contrast with her black vests, her full red lips smiling at me, letting me see her perfect white tooth so different from the yellow tooth of the King.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"That's an interesting question, you know? Who am I, who are you? That's the beauty of the world, we can be who we want, we can change, run away from our old life if we want and create a new one." I am not sure if she's talking with me or with herself, her gaze fixed in an invisible point in the middle of the air, her fingers unconsciously playing with a ring she has in her index finger.

I clear my throat, trying to catch her attention. But she keeps staring at the air, talking, "But there's more than just beauty in this world. There's also ugliness. And you can change, create as many lives as you want but, in the end, your old lives will return to haunt you. We can escape from everyone but ourselves. You can't escape from who you are and will always be even if every day you change your live." She finally looks at me, her black eyes piercing mine, raising an eyebrow. "But you know that, don't you? So many lives, so many names... I remember you as Annalise, Octavia, Eleanor and now Kiara. But, in the end, when you finally die, they are never the name you've. In the end you are Cahira, a warrior, a killer."

I close my eyes, her words bothering me more than they should. Why is Dominic so worried with hiding the truth about me? It seems that everyone knows that I know who I was.

"What do you want?"

"Do I need to want something to be here?" She asks, her eyes staring at the empty space in front of her again. "I was with Dominic, selling him information and spells. Now I am here, talking with you. I like your company, you let me speak." Shouldn't I? "From where I came, people think I am crazy, oblige me to be in silence unless I am selling my spells because they make us rich, they are the most powerful." She laughs and she has a strange laughter, strident. "My own brother fears me because I am more powerful than him and he is afraid I may try to steal his power. But why would I want his power, his crown? I am free now, I can go to where I want, when I want. A crown is an invisible prison, telling you where you should go, with who you should be, how you should act."

The people from where she came may be right. She seems crazy, talking to the air, ignoring me. But now she stares at me again, "You don't understand me, Kiara, for you I am crazy. But Cahira understood, Cahira knew the cost of the power, the cost of a crown." How does she know? And what does it mean? A shiver runs down my spine. What was I between the Hunters, what was my position? The position Dominic said I would win back when I had my memories back? "People say that when you're alone and meet Cahira you do not survive. The warrior of the Death, the Hunter of the World. Everyone fears you. But you let me live, you even protected me." Why is she different? Sakura told me I killed every creature that I found in front of me. This woman is telling me I let her live. Why? "You wanted my knowledge in this time, you wanted that in your next life and the next and the next. You'll want it when you regain your memories. You threatened me you would kill me if I didn't tell you. I told you it was a lie because more than anything you wanted my knowledge and it would die with me."

"What did you asked me?" She laughs again, stridently.

"Nothing. I didn't give you a price because I didn't know what I wanted." And then she stares at the air again, "Dominic Rockwell, the Vampires King, saved my life once. A war between Wizards and Witches race and the Faeries. I think it was the last time I saw Faeries wearing armor. Strange armor they wear... Made of trees branches. Very intelligent if we are honest, protectors and weapons at the same time. But we were fighting and Dominic used his telekinesis to protect me and allow me to escape. He refused to ask me something in return and because of it I am in debt with him."

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