Chapter 13 - The Tour

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The sunlight caressing my face wakes me up slowly. First the light only effect is making me roll to my side and hide my face so they don't bother me, my eyes still closed, my brain half-asleep. And then I feel someone caressing my hair, playing with one of its locks. The unusual situation makes my foggy brain curious enough to make me slowly open one of my eyes and then the other until I am finally able to see the person playing with my hair. It is Dominic, his golden eyes observing me attentively.

  He smiles at me, a beautiful smile that makes his eyes shine and his face even more perfect. And I smile back, stretching a little, while I keep observing him.

  I tilt my head as I notice the worry in his expression, the way his borrow is furrowed slightly, his eyes too serious. "What's wrong?"

  He raises an eyebrow, seeming surprised. "Don't you remember?"

  "Remember what?"

  "Kiara, I..."

  I scream. The memories of last night appear in my mind, the vampire on the top of me, ready to rape me, to drink from me, to kill me.

  "Keep calm, Kiara, keep calm," he says, pushing my trembling body against his, his hand caressing my hair once again. Just like last night.

  "Where... Where is he?"

   "Where I left him last night. I promised I wouldn't leave you, remember?"

  "Can... can you get ride of... of him?" The idea that Dominic killed someone, even if that someone was a vampire trying to kill me, is still disturbing, truly disturbing. My Dominic, the Dominic I know, is not a killer, is not a murderer. He is a kind, sweet guy, with a golden heart. Not a murderer.

  "Kiara, I killed him because he was going to kill you. I couldn't do anything else. I would have if I could. But in my world, in this messed up world for where I brought you, sometimes killing is the only answer, is the only choice."

  "You... you have killed before?"

  "Just when I hadn't other choice."

  "And how do you know you hadn't other choice?"

  "Because do not kill that person would mean let myself die or let someone I love die. And I love so few people I can't afford to lose those ones," he answers, looking at me in the eyes, his fingers caressing my cheek.

  "I... I don't... It shouldn't be the only answer."

  He sighs, looking away, his eyes full of sorrow. "I am so sorry I brought you to a world like this one. Where kill is an answer and you can't be safe."

  I bite my lip, looking away too. I also wish he hadn't brought me here. But if the other option was put Emma and my aunt in danger then I don't regret it, not even a little. The body on the floor catches my attention. Now, with the sunlight illuminating the room, I can see what I couldn't during the night, when the shadows and darkness reigned.

  The vampire's black hair is messed but not as Dominic's uses to be, not the carefully messed type of messed, but the kind of messed that happens when someone grabbed fists of your hair and pushed. And of course there's the stake, craved in his chest, clotted dark blood around it. But even though it is an horrible image, nothing worst than his face. The mouth open as if he was going to scream and didn't have the time, the dangerous fangs visible and scary even if he can't hurt me anymore; the glassy red eyes wide open full of a rage that not even the death was able to take away. And the skin... under it the veins are visible, black veins that remember me of snakes.

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