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Chapter Eighteen

Veronica's POV:

I rise from my bed, hearing the commotion outside. Baby Hunter is thankfully fast asleep, sucking on his pacifier as he dreams. I walk into the front room and open the window slightly so I can hear what is going on. The whole crew are outside, Nathan standing in the center. He is telling everyone about how Lance and Hayley have been sleeping together, I feel sick at the thought. How could my brother do this to him? I know they are on a break, but they are technically still together. Which makes Lance a cheat, a dumb one at that. Nathan might put on a hard front but he is one of the most caring, sweet, men I have ever met. He has been here for me when nobody else has. Not my brother. And not the father to my child. Who I have just learned, was also aware of Lance and Hayley. I can feel my blood boiling.

Nathan returns to our trailer and falls to the floor crying, I rush over and comfort him. I make him a cup of tea and sit with him on the sofa. It isn't much but being heavily pregnant, there's not a lot I can do but provide comfort.

"I am so sorry Nathan, I can't believe my brother would do something like this. He has... had, everything with you." I say, watching him as he sips on his tea.

"Don't apologise Veronica, none of this is your fault. You can't help what he has done. I'll be okay, I have Hunter. He is all I need." He says, and I smile. I simply adore how much love he has for his son, I just hope I have the same for my baby girl or boy.

I can hear Hunter stirring in his cot, Nathan jumps up and goes over to comfort him. I decide to leave the two of them alone and head over to Timothèe's trailer. This silence has been going on for too long, we need to talk.

Not bothering to knock, I walk in. Lance is in the middle of packing his belongings, I don't even look at him. Right now I want nothing to do with him.

Timothèe is sat on the sofa, drinking a beer. I roll my eyes. "We need to talk." I demand.

"I've had some time to think, about you and I, and our baby. And if you choose not to be involved in our child's life then that is on you. I'm not going to force you into anything." I say, looking over at him, waiting for an answer.

He clears his throat and sits up, "I don't know Vee.... I'm still young. I have never even thought about having a family, I am so unprepared. I don't think I can do this. Sorry."

I nod my head. I don't bother crying. I already knew this was coming, but nonetheless, it still hurts inside. "Ok. Well, then I would like you to leave please. There is no point in you being here if you wish to not be involved. Plus, Lance is gone so it's not like you have anyone left. Nathan and the others are probably done with you anyway, seen as you kept Lance's dirty secret."

He doesn't bother saying anything else, he just nods his head and starts packing his things. I push myself up from the sofa and head back over to the trailer I have been sharing with Nathan. Once everyone has left, I will take back mine and make it a home for me and my child.

Lance's POV:

I take one last look at my home. I sure am going to miss this place. It's all I've known my entire life. But I fucked up and for that I must do the mature thing and leave. My family would be ashamed of me, I have tarnished the Sykes' name. At least I won't be alone, I have Timothèe ... and Hayley, but I don't particularly care for her company. She might be hooked on me, but all she ever was, was quick sex.

Having nowhere to go, I reach out to my friends, the ones outside of the gang, but none of them can take me in. So I am back to square one. I chuck all of our shit into the boot of my car and we head to the club. A night of booze and drugs will help numb the pain.

Paying the tab, I order drinks to our table and make my way around the club, looking for someone who is dealing. In the rush to leave, I left my stash back at the trailer park. It's inside the safe so even if I wanted to, I probably couldn't get it. Nathan changed the pin.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a blonde male, around my age. He's sneakily hanging out bags to a group of clearly, underaged teens. I wait until he's finished and make my way over.

"Hey," I say, "I noticed you're selling."

"What are you after?" He asks. Now that we're face to face, I can see that he is quite attractive.

"Coke, LSD, and Crystal Meth, if you have it." I say, pulling the cash from my wallet so he knows I am not fucking around.

"Damn, you're hitting it hard tonight." He jokes as he hands the drugs over, taking the money from my hand and rolling it up before slipping it inside his jacket.

"Yeah, well... my life has gone to shit so I figured I might as well have some fun."

The boy smiles, he stares at me for a few seconds and I think he is leaning into kiss me but I am brought out of my thoughts when he starts speaking again.

"Wait... I know you. You're Lance Sykes," He says.

"Yeah, that's me. Sorry, not to be rude... but do I know you?" I ask, "It's just, I've never seen you around here before and this is a small town."

"Apologies, I'm Harley. I moved over from Canada. I recognise you because my boss, Justin, he hates your guts." He laughs, but in a friendly manner.

"Ah... I see. Well, tell your boss he doesn't have to worry about me anymore. You can tell him that Nathan is in charge now and I, have been booted out. So I'm useless and homeless... I pose no threat to him, or your crew."

"Well, that's great news for me." He says, I am about to say something snarky but he cuts me off with a deep, passionate kiss. "I can have you to myself, without having to worry about enemy lines."

I kiss him back, deeply and intensely. I run my tongue across his bottom lip asking for entrance and he gives me it. We make out with each other and dance to the music. Our sweaty bodies grinding against one another. He nibbles on my earlobe before whispering the perfect solution to my situation, "You and your friends over there, can come and join us.... if you like. Together, The Prophets would be Unstoppable."

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