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Chapter 13

Mac's POV:

It has been almost a week since I passed my initiation, meaning it's almost been a week since I murdered someone in cold blood. Some may say that he deserved it and yes, maybe he did. But I can't help but feel guilty for my actions. His family have no idea were he is, they think he's gone on the run... it's eating me up inside. Plus on top of all this, Ariana hasn't stopped leaving me voicemails. She says that she wants to meet up and discuss the baby situation and I still love her with everything in me but what she did was wrong. But maybe she is right, maybe we aren't ready to settle down and have a family, especially when I am out here killing people.

Needing some fresh air, I step out of my new home at the trailer park. I grab Myron's leash on the way out and walk over to the River Dale. It has been snowing again, so the paths are coated in soft, white snow. The view looks amazing against the sunrise. It's early, so not too many people are out of their beds, meaning it's quiet and peaceful. I unhook Myron's leash and let him run free across the fields, throwing him a ball to play with. He comes rushing back, tail wagging, ball in his mouth. He drops it at my feet and barks, letting me know he wants me to throw it again. This goes on for a couple of minutes, until a different dog returns with the ball. Toulouse.

I stroke his head and look around for Ariana, she is never usually awake this early and I grow worried that something has happened as Toulouse never leaves her side. Relief washes over me as I see her making her way over, Myron running circles around her.

"Hey..." She says quietly as she stops in front of me, she looks nervous.

I don't know what to say, everyone would say ignore her and walk on but she has been a huge part of my life and I just can't do that. "Hey," I smile, "How have you been?"

"I've been.... okay. How have you been? Stupid question, I know."

"I've been okay as can be," I look down at Myron who is still by her side, "I think he misses you."

She smiles, playing with his ears, "I miss him too... and you." She says after a small pause.

"I know you probably don't want to hear that, and I'm sorry if it's out of place. But I just wanted to tell you." Ariana wipes a single tear from her eye.

It stays silent for a few moments before I decide to say what I have been thinking, "I miss you too Ariana, and I still love you. But it's going to take me a while before I can trust you and forgive you. What you did really hurt me and it's going to take me a while to get over that."

She nods her head, letting me know she understands. I break the tension and pull her into a hug. For now, we can be friends.

"So, how have you been keeping?" She asks as we walk around the River Dale.

"I joined the Divergents," I say, a quick flash of shock spreads across her face but she quickly hides it. "I have been feeling pretty shit about the whole initiation to be honest."

"Initiation?" She questions.

"Yeah, to get in you have to pass an initiation. So, for me... I had to kill someone who owed Nathan and Lance money. The guilt has been eating me up inside ever since." I spill.

"Well, I'm here for you Mac. Always." Ariana smiles.

Ariana's POV:

After seeing Mac and learning what he had to do, I am highly pissed off. Why the fuck should he have to pas an initiation when they let Nathan in without a second thought. I drop Toulouse off at my Mom's house and storm over to the Misfit hangout, at Zendaya's house. Zendaya and Shawn are both watching a movie, Jade isn't anywhere to be seen. But there is no time to waste, I have too tell them what is going on. So I switch off the television and tell them everything.

The three of decide to storm the Divergents trailer park. Nathan needs to be knocked down a peg or two. I don't care if he is supposed to be my friends, he sure doesn't act like it. It has been months since we last spoke and he never tries to reach out. He's too busy with his little gang.

When we arrive, they're all sat outside by the fire. Nathan and Lance are cuddled up together on one of the chairs.

"What the FUCK have you done to Mac?" I shout, the gang just snigger.

"This isn't funny. I know you made him pass an initiation to be accepted into your pathetic little gang. It isn't fair. Nathan never had to pass some dumb initiation, he was accepted without even a second thought."

Lance rises up from his seat, "Mac was told he had a choice to pass the initiation or be on his way and well, you know what he chose so that is on him. As for Nathan, he never had to pass anything because he was brought in through love. I am the leader, therefore that makes him my Queen."

Before anyone can stop it, Zendaya slaps Nathan across the face, leaving a bright red mark on his cheek. I can see the anger in his eyes. In everyone's eyes.

Without even a fumble, Nathan has risen to his feet and he is now holding a knife to Zendaya's throat. It all happened so fast, I'm frozen in place and I don't know what to do.

Nathan's POV:

I hold the knife to Zendaya's throat, she has no right to judge me. She has no clue what I am like. I didn't ask to be accepted into the Divergents without having to pass an initiation. It just so happened to be that way.

I look into her eyes with hate, "You want me to pass the initiation, huh?" I seethe, "Well I'll do it right here... right now. I'll kill you. I will slit your throat from ear to ear and leave you to bleed out on the ground. And then, I cut you up and feed you to the pigs. Burning your hair and teeth in acid so that nobody knows what happened to you. I might even write you a little note for your dear family.... telling them you have ran away with a boy. Then nobody will even come looking for you."

Lance ends up having to drag me away, telling the others to deal with the situation. Zendaya just falls the floor in fright and I laugh. A made sure to cut her slightly, just so she knows that I'm not messing around.

How's that for an initiation, bitch?

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