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Chapter Eight

Ariana's POV:

It has now been two months since Nathan was taken from the Divergents trailer park, two months since I got my information wrong and ruined my best friends life. He hasn't been to school once, no one has seen him even leave the house, and he has locked himself in his room at his Grandmother's. He has been doing his schoolwork from the comfort of his own home, but even his grades are deteriorated. Things have become that bad, the school have said that if his grades do not rise by the next semester, then he is being kicked out of the school. 

As strange and unusual as it may sound, seen as our two parties never cross paths, I have been spent a lot of time talking with Veronica about the situation, she told me that Lance is in a similar situation. He still comes to school every now and again, but Veronica says Lance has started to abuse drugs and alcohol and he is picking fights with rival gang members for no reason, coming home in serious state. She says it is almost like he is doing it so he will come back bruised and beaten. Lance never loses a fight.

We both fear if we do not do something soon, then we will lose both of them. Lance to drugs and Nathan, probably to depression by the sounds of it. So between us, we decide to do something about it. After quick research we have managed to find an abandoned trailer in the next town that we have roughly renovated so they can stay there for a night just to be with each other. 

Once everything has been finalised, I rush over to Nathan's Grandmothers and get him to come with me. It takes a lot of persuading but in the end I win. I drive Nathan to the trailer and stay with him till Lance arrives with Veronica. Then me and Veronica head back to our own gangs.

Justin's  POV:

For around a month now a Divergent rat and his 'Queen' have been having out in one of my old trailers and something needs doing about it. 

Hello, I'm Justin. Ring leader to the gang 'The Prophets', arch rivals with the Divergents. But as I were saying, something needs doing about this territory breach. 

Myself and my main gang members, Tom and Harley are hiding out around the abandoned trailer, we have been monitoring these two for a while now and we have learnt that the 'bosses' Queen always arrives first and settles in, followed by the arrival of the 'boss' fifteen to twenty minutes later. Only difference is today the Queen will not be there on the arrival of the boss, all that will be there is a note that says; You know where to find him. - TP. 

With that, we wait for the Queen's arrival, once his ride has left and the site is clear, one of my disciples, Eric, takes a baseball bat to Nathan's head, knocking him clean out. We throw him in to the boot of our car and drive to our new den, leaving nothing but the note. 

Around 2 hours later we hear cars pull up outside, it took them longer than I expected to try and rescue there precious little boy. We are stormed by the whole Divergent gang, all equipped with weapons ranging from a variety of guns to a fancy collection of knives. My boys come forward with their weapons. Much larger and stronger than theirs. Lance, the Divergents boss and heir to the 'throne' makes his first move and before you know it fists are flying, gun shots can be heard, and blood is being shed. I go in for Lance. He is mine. I'm the leader of my pack so it's only natural that the two leaders are pit against each other.

We decide to make things a little more interesting, we agree to no weapons, just fists. Otherwise there would be far too many bodies unaccounted for out there. We start again, fists flying, jaws being broke and heads are being stamped on. 

After around fifteen to twenty minutes the fighting is cut dead due to the sound of gunfire. Two shots ring through the air, leaving a deafening silence with. Everyone stops in their track and there are two lifeless bodies on the floor, both in Divergent skin. 

Oh well. At least we came out on top. 

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