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Chapter Ten

Lance's POV:

It has been nine months since the incident, nine months since I left Nathan's side. I do not know whether he is dead or alive, nor do I know whether or not my child is dead or alive. All I know is that if my child did survive, then they would have been born by now. I guess one could say I am to chicken shit to go find out. No one from the gang knows where I am, but I will let you in on a little secret. I am with my father. The former head of The Divergent gang before me, but he had to retire due to a near death injury. 

He keeps telling me to go back and see if my Queen is alive and well or if they have laid him to rest with my unborn child, and if they have, I should seek revenge on the scum who murdered them, but I just can't. I do not want to know, not out of ignorance, but fear. I have never felt the way i have about some like I do Nathan since my ex.

Five years ago, I was dating a lad called Tyler, Tyler Davidson. He was the love of my life, the centre to my universe, but not my Queen. I had plans to make him my Queen but the tragic incident that took his life happened days before. I never recovered from his death, I refused to open myself up to anyone. So when Nathan came along, it was a shock to my system. Then seeing him lay there, lifeless... it left me wondering that maybe I am the problem. And that death follows me wherever I go.

He died the same way Nathan may or may not have died. We were in the middle of a fight with a different rival gang. Shots were fired and the opposing gang lost two members, I lost Tyler. I swore to my self I would never love again and I haven't, well not till Nathan. There is... or was, something about him. His energy, his mysteriousness, his beauty. Everything. He was too good and pure for this messed up world. My father making his way up the stairs alerts me.

"Lance, come on. I'm taking you to your trailer park, you're going to find out if your man and child are alive or dead. I am not taking no for an answer." My dad walks in with my coat and sneakers. I unwillingly put them on and follow him out to the car and we drive for around two hours before we arrive at the trailer park, it is around 8pm. Nothing has really changed minus the fact there are more safety gates up. Why? I have no idea. 

I get out the car and I see my sister. She is  sat with Timothee around the fire, they must still be going strong. Most of the gang are sat there, some lights are on inside some of the trailers so someone must already be tucked in for the night. I walk into the yard and everyone looks at me. I walk straight towards my trailer. There are no lights on, no sounds coming from it, nothing. I feel my heart sink. I open the door and walk in, there is a warm, clean smell, and that's when I hear it. The sweet yet quite noise of a babies babble. I walk towards the bedroom, putting my hand on the door handle hesitantly. Slowly I open the door and there he is, flat out on the bed. Nathan is alive and well. I open the door fully to reveal a small cream coloured moses basket with the tiniest little boy I have ever seen. Instantly, you can tell he is Nathan's, he has his nose, hair colour and smile, with my eyes and skin completion. Noticing my presence, his little blue eyes look over in my direction, full of wonder. I feel a sharp pain in my chest, realising he probably doesn't know who I am. Slowly, I walk into the room and over to my baby boy. The floorboards creak beneath my feet and Nathan jolts awake.

Nathan's POV:

I hear the floor boards creak resulting in me jolting awake. I wanted to know who was in my bedroom near my baby. I open my eyes and there he is, Lance in the flesh. How dare he come back in here as if nothing happened. I stand up and pick my son up, wrapping him in a blanket and walking right past him towards the trailer door.

Love at War (Mpreg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon