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Chapter Fifteen

Veronica's POV

I put Hunter to sleep, for his mid day, dinner time nap, then I went straight to Timothèe, telling him about Nathan's abuse. My heart actually broke when I heard Nathan talking about it. I see Nathan as one of closest friends, practically family and that is not because he is my brothers partner and baby mommy, but because he is a genuinely nice person and we get on really easy. He is the best match for my brother. I haven't seen him this happy or content ever, even when he were with Tyler, something was missing and that something was Nathan.

"Timothèe, I just can't believe it happened to Nathan, no one deserves to be raped but Nathan is one of the nicest people I have ever met and he didn't choose this life, he deserves more than the thug life we have given him, but he deserves my brother, what they have is true and pure, and what makes it worse, Nathan was pregnant with Hunter. He were raped while carrying a little baby. Those people are horrible and it isn't like you couldn't tell he was pregnant, his bump was massive when he were carrying Hunter, makes mine look pathetic -" I start but stop myself.

Shit, I have just practically told Timothèe that I am pregnant.

"You're what Ronnie?" He questions.

"Are you pregnant?" He starts to quiz me. "That's why you're being funny with me in regards to sex. Why you've been so frigid just recently." He spits at me. I just look at him. "And when were you going to tell me, when were you going to let me know I am a father?" His tone of voice changing. I can tell he is pissed off with me.

"I am not ready to be a father, do you think I want a baby while I am taking God knows how many drugs, while I'm in the prime of my gang. No Veronica, I do not want to be a dad, I do not want to settle and I do not want my life to change all because of a baby. How far gone are you?" He spits at me.

"N-nearly seven months." I stutter.

"Seven months, seven fucking months Veronica. So what's that, two months and it will be here, two months and our lives change forever. I can't do this. You have done all this behind my back. What were you thinking?" He shouts, grabbing his jacket and storming out the trailer. 

Why is he acting like this is all my fault? It takes two to make a baby and if he didn't want to fuck all the time maybe I wouldn't be pregnant, or if he actually wore protection every time we had sex instead of expecting me to go and get the morning after pill every morning we wouldn't be in this situation. Why can men never accept when things are their fault? He is acting like his life is ruined and about to change, my life changed seven months ago, but I do not regret any of it. Lance and Nathan are doing fine with baby Hunter, he turns one in a few months and they're still beating people up, selling drugs, Lance still uses while Nathan never has. If they can do it and they are the leaders of this gang, I am sure me and Timothèe can too.

I can't help but collapse to the floor and cry.

Timothèe's POV

How could she do me like this, why? I am not ready to give up my gang life for a kid. I am not ready for my whole life to change because of a child that will be dependent on us for the next eighteen years and then more.

I storm over to Lance's trailer. Baby stuff everywhere. Nathan is asleep on the sofa, Lance rolling a joint and sniffing a few lines. This is what I mean, Nathan is asleep, Lance doing drugs on his own. These two are notorious for having sex, before Hunter these were at it like animals, whereas now, Nathan is asleep, Lance awake on his own.

I sit next to Lance, he can clearly see the stress on my face, he passes me the plate he has been racking up on. I take a ten pound note out of pocket and roll it up and start to sniff the lines, one after another. Lance lights a joint and we get blazing.

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