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Chapter Sixteen

Lance's POV

It has been nearly two weeks since me and Timotheè went on our bender and we are finally on our way home, my blood still boiling from Nathan's recent and sneaky behaviour. Veronica and Timothèe are still giving each other the silent treatment so it is going to be fun when we arrive back at the trailer park in half an hour.

We arrive at the trailer park and I park my car up at the side of mine and Nathan's trailer. I get out and walk inside. Nathan is sat on sofa. He looks at me and there is just silence.

"So I am guessing you and Veronica have had a nice bitch about me and Timothèe then?" I ask. He just looks at me. "Well did you or didn't you?" I shout.

"No, we didn't, we were to busy chilling out, looking after ourselves and Hunter and talking about motherhood." He says snappily. Oh, this boy has a fucking attitude and if he weren't my boyfriend or mother to my child, he would have been beaten to a pulp right now.

Nathan stands up, "How dare you come in here, shooting your mouth acting like it is me and Veronica who are the bad guys here, you should have brought Timothèe back after a few drinks and smokes, he is a father now and he needs to step up, but then again how can I expect you to do that when you left me and Hunter for nine months. Are all men cowards? Do they all run away from their responsibilities?" He lectures me. I can feel the anger building up and I can't control it, before I know it, my fist had collided with Nathan's face, leaving a bright red mark and blood spilling from his nose.

"That's it, show me who you really are. I heard you gang members are abusive to your partners, or should I say bitches. That's all we are good for isn't it. Sex and letting your anger out? I mean that's why you left and why Timothèe left, you can't have as much sex as you want now so-" I cut him off shouting "Don't Nathan, just shut up." But he continues.

"Now you want the control too. You are all the same and I wish I never ever laid eyes on you, I hate-" I cut him off again, I grab him by the scruff of his collar, I open the trailer door and I throw him out the trailer. Watching his body hit the floor, I step down and boot him in the stomach, several times, bending down to his pathetic level, hitting him, punching him, I even spit in his face. How dare he disrespect me like he just did. The anger inside of just keeps building and building. I am going to kill him. I continue to lay in to him.

I am pulled of him by the rest of gang members, Veronica rushes over to Nathan and helps him up. Blood dripping from him face, fear in his eyes. I catch a glimpse of him looking at me before I am dragged out of the trailer park, Nathan taken to mine and his trailer.

My anger starts to calm down and I realise what I have done. Within second I come to the conclusion, me and Nathan need a break. I could have killed the mother to my baby. Taking some time apart is what is best for our family.

Nathan's POV

Veronica takes me into my trailer and cleans me up. I hurt, I really fucking hurt. Luckily Hunter is already asleep in my bedroom. I lay on the sofa with bags of ice on my hips and face. Tears just steam down my face, stinging my cuts.

I spend the next few days sleeping on the sofa, Veronica in my bed, to make sure Hunter is ok throughout the night. I don't want him seeing me like this so Veronica looks after him for the majority of the next few days, telling him that Mommy has gone on a little trip.

I hear movement outside so I sit up. I see Hayley making her way over to Timotheè's trailer. Lance has been staying in there with Timotheè while Veronica stays with me. As much as he has wronged me, I can't wait for him to be home, but he has told me that we are on a break while he gathers his thoughts and sorts his head out.

Hayley's POV

The story on the trailer park is that our boss and his 'Queen' have split up, temporarily. A lot of us knew it would break down eventually, a posh boy and the local thug? I mean, come on, get real, this isn't a story book? There are no Prince Charming's or Cinderella's here, just a bunch of low life thugs, who sell drugs, take drugs, have a lot of sex and cause problems for everyone who isn't a member of the gang.

Oh, hey by the way, I am Hayley. I am a member of the Divergent gang by choice, I have always wanted to be in a gang since I could remember. My parents disowned me for cutting my hair and getting tattooed, you know basically for not being a girly girl, and I am going to let you in on a little secret of mine. I am in love with Lance Sykes, I have been since the first day I knew of the gang 'Divergent', he is the soul reason why I joined this gang, and now I have my chance, our 'Queen' and boss have gone their separate ways, Lance is vulnerable and will be high and drunk. So I have my best shot now.

I make my way over to Timothèe 's trailer, and walk in. Timothèe is crashed out on the sofa, Lance smoking and drinking in the corner. I undo my top and walk over to him.

"Hey sexy" I say and he looks up at me. "Want to have some fun?" I question, while walking over to him, taking my top off and undoing my bra. His eyes widen as my bra hits the floor. I sit in his lap, kissing his neck, my hands in his hair. "I can ride you like no one else has, make you feel good." I coo, starting to suck on his ear lobe, a moan leaves his mouth and his hands unbuttoning my jeans.

I win Nathan, I have your man now. I will be the new Queen and you are the first thing to go when I make the rules. You and your brat child.

Lance carries me into the bedroom and we have smoking, hot sex. Fuck me, why is this man gay, he knows how to hit all the right spots. Afterwards we smoke and drink then go again for another round.


I have been in Timothèe 's trailer for a few weeks now, me and Lance having sex that gets better and better. Timothèe knows about us but he promises to keep us a secret.

"So, am I your Queen now? Queen of this gang and trailer park?" I question. Lance looks at me.

"I guess so. We're friends with benefits and well, me and Nathan are history." He says and I smirk. That night as we are lay in bed, cuddled up after having sex, I pull my phone out and take a photo of mine and Lance's naked bodies. I send it to Nathan. It takes him around half an hour to open it and screenshot it. Why did he screenshot it? And why hasn't he replied?

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