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Chapter One

Nathan's POV:

I pull the hood of my jacket over my head, to protect my hair from the harsh New York rain, I can feel the bitterness of the snow under my shoes, nipping at my toes. I can already feel the frostbite setting in. On a serious note, it is freezing and I am not used to walking around in sub-zero temperatures. Normally, if the weather was particularly bad, my parents would get one of the chauffers to escort me to school in the Rolls Royce. But now I either have to walk or catch the peasant wagon, more commonly known as a bus. Anyway, lets not waste anymore time reminiscing on the past... I just arrived at my new school. Don't worry, I'm not going to be walking around with a briefcase like Will from The Inbetweeners. I have a backpack. I am nervous to meet everyone, it's the first day back after Christmas Break and majority of transfers arrive in the Summer. Christmas was shit, just in case you're wondering. I went from opening up boxes with the keys to the latest car, the newest game station and all the latest Apple products. To opening a box of chocolates, a few vouchers for high street fashion stores and a second hand phone, seen as my father cancelled my contract and had the phone repossessed. So now I have a shitty iPhone 6, which still has sticker residue on the screen from the price tag... which took forever to remove. Adding to another misery in my life.

As I enter the school grounds, I take in my surroundings. The buildings are shabby, majority of them look like they could collapse any second, and the people aren't much better either. I thought my outfit choice was bad, but some of these people clearly got dressed in the dark. Making my way over too the main building, I am approached by a tiny girl, so small that you'd walk right past her without noticing she was there. She has a very bubbly personna and is eager to get to know me. She says her name is Ariana. Ariana Jackson, to be precise. According to her, she is to be my tour guide and new best friend. Not that I asked for one, but I guess the thought is nice, considering I don't know a soul here besides my Grandma.

Ariana's POV:

Standing at the entrance of the main building, I glance at my phonescreen to check the time, 8:40am. I'm waiting to greet the new kid, Nathan Black. He just transferred here from Manhatten Grammer School. I can't wait to see what this snob looks like, the last one came with a briefcase and a suit. He only lasted here a few weeks before he moved back to the posh side of town after his parents regained their riches. What a life they must lead. 

I see Nathan walking up to the main entrance, well at least I think it's Nathan. He fits the physical description Mr Williams gave me. I am shocked to see that he is in jeans and a simple t-shirt. No breifcase or suit? Maybe he got the memo.

After greeting him, we make our way to homeroom. I see my group of friends sat in the corner, at our usual table, talking amongst themselves. I skip over too them and wrap my arms around my boyfriend, Mac. He grins and plants a small kiss on my cheek. Nathan decides to join us a few seconds later, a nervous look on his face as he bites at his nails.

"Everyone, this is Nathan. Our new friend. He moved here from Manhattan." I say too my friends before turning my attention back to Nathan, "Nathan, these lovely people are, Malcolm, my boyfriend... you can call him Mac. Jade here, is my best friend, and those two are Shawn and Zendaya." 

I hear a snigger behind us from the school bully, Ricky, he makes a snide remark asking Nathan where his suit and briefcase are. Nathan is bewildered, being new he doesn't know the story of the last upper-class kid who transferred here, so I briefly fill him in on the story.

"Ignore him," Mac says, "Nobody ever pays any attention to him. You'll find you get that a lot hanging out with us, people think that we are Misfits."

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