His Secretive Bad Girl (Road Trip)

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Chapter 42

"Jordan please let me go." December whined.

"No." I said while sharping my knife with another one of my other knifes that is a back up.

Right now I'm pissed off.

December thought it would be cool to throw a few pillows and dump Ice cold water on me while I was drinking a hot coffee and that ended up burning my lip.

"Jordan I'm sowwy." December pouted sticking his bottom bitch ass lip out.

Even though he looked so fucking hot right now I still wanted to kill hi- wait did I just call him hot?


I take that last fucking thought back so lets rewind

-right now I wanted to kill him. I'm so fucking pissed off.

"I only wanted to hang out with you." December said.

I growled

"You fucking bitch. if you think ima let you go, you're dead wrong, you're gonna stay in that fucking chair and be quiet." I hissed so icily which scared him a bit.

"Okay." he said pouting a little bit.

I looked back at my knifes and decided that they were sharp enough. I pulled out my guns and started to take it apart.

2 hours later

"Okay Jordan I'm sober now so can I please Lay down? I'm so sleepy." December said.

Oh yeah and if you didn't realize it before, December was drunk not as much as he was at the other hotel but he was still drunk.

And well he is duct tape to a chair, I told you I was gonna do that.

I grabbed my knife and walked over to him.

I looked him dead in the eyes before I started cutting the duct tape that was on his shoulder.

"When are you gonna go to sleep?" he asked.

I narrowed my eyes at him before, again concentrating on the duct tape, trying not to cut him.

"In a bit." I replied after a few seconds in silence.

"Okay ill take the floor." he said after I finished cutting the duct tape off him.

"You can sleep on the bed." I said looking him in the eyes without any kind of glare.

"You sure?" he asked rubbing his neck looking unsure.

"Yeah." I answered before returning my glare and walking back to the table with my guns.

The one I had took apart, I'm now putting back together.

*ring ring ring*

The sound of my phone going off. I pulled out my phone glaring at it. who the hell could be calling me? At 2:00 in the morning?

I looked at the screen to maybe see a caller ID but it was an unknow number it was a blocked number.

I opened it and held it to my ear not daring to say a word just yet. A few seconds in silence passed before a little girl yelled out.

"Jordan!" I herd lea yell.

"Baby girl?"

"Jordan help, they're gonna kill us."

"Who baby girl? who? where are you?" I asked.

"I don't know-" lea said but was cut off

"Jordan they're trying to trace your call!" I heard Norman yell in the back ground but then I heard a few punching sounds.

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