His Secretive Bad Girl

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Chapter 31


"What was that?" Brooklyn asked.

I didn't get shot, something else went off or someone's else gun went off.

"Lets go check it out." Brooklyn said.

Monique growled, probably mad, since someone interrupted her; trying to kill me.

"Fine come on." Monique said completely forgetting about me I guess she was to pissed or something about what the hell that thing was.

"What about her?" Brooklyn asked pointing to me. oh thanks a lot Brooklyn.

Monique turned around to look at me.

"Don't go anywhere or else." Monique warned. I glared at her.

How am I supposed to leave when I'm chained up bitch?

I so badly wanted to say but since I have duck tape covering my mouth I couldn't do that.

They both turned around and started heading to the door but before they walked out the door Brooklyn turned around to look at me. she glared at me before turning back around and following Monique to see what that noise was.

I just stayed there in my spot, finally able to at least rest for a few minutes since I was always alert and stiff when they were here.

Come on Jordan try and get out of here

I turned around and looked at the chain connected to the wall. it was pretty stuck in there so I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to get it out.

I tugged on the chain seeing if it would at least move or something but no.

I tugged on it harder, no nothing.

I kept tugging and pulling for about ten minutes but I was just tired, I used the rest if my energy just for that and it didn't even bulge,

I was dehydrated, my lips were chapped and I just needed water.

"How the hell did they get in?!" Brooklyn asked pissed off while coming in with a bleeding arm. I'm guessing someone had stabbed her since there was a long slash. it was bleeding and you could even see the inside of the skin.

"See I knew we should've gotten all three of them!" Monique yelled walking in ,then closing the door and locking it.

"You bitch! You knew this was gonna happen!" Brooklyn said walking up to me lightning quick.

What the hell was she talking about? I didn't do a fucking thing.

"You fucking bitch!" Brooklyn yelled slapping me then she just started throwing wild punches. I'm sure that if I wasn't as beat up I could've dodge those hits since she wasn't a very good fighter but I didn't, I was just too beat up.

She had took a good swing to my jaw and to my noise, lucky enough it didn't break, this girl just had bad aim and she didn't put as much power into her punches but it still did hurt.

She had finally stopped and now I was just spitting out blood on the floor.

Monique stormed over here and ripped off the duck tape and damn it hurt, it even took off some if my lips skin and now I know that they were bleeding, I'm mean they already were but now it's worse.

The pain; everywhere in my body was pain even when I was tugging on the chain my body was hurting but I had ignored it, right now it's just to much to ignore.

I groaned in pain.

"You knew they were coming!" Monique yelled in my face.

"They killed people out there that we knew; some of our family members!" Brooklyn yelled.

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