His Secretive Bad Girl

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Chapter 14

Oh shit!

One lunged towards me with a knife but I stepped back.

I set Lea down.

"Go call the guys!" I told her and she did what she was told.

"Aren't you sexy?" one asked.

I stepped back. my knife? my gun?

I backed up to my room and got my knife I had set down by my door on a little table, and my gun happened to be on the other side of the room and I couldn't get it unless I wanted to be trapped.

They came closer and one jumped towards me but I sliced his stomach, he started bleeding but he wasn't gonna die.

"You little bitch!" he said and lunged towards me. I moved out the way and he just ended up bumping into the wall. the other one walked towards me but I ran and slid under his legs to get out my room cuz if I stayed there any longer I would've been trapped even if I wasn't that far in.

I got up quickly and turned around. he had his back towards me so I put him in a head lock then sliced his neck. after I was done I was slammed to the floor. he got in top of me and started chocking me. I got my knife and sliced the side of his neck. he was till choking me so I sliced his neck and all the blood came to my face. more like dah ja vu.

Someone got him off me and got me up by the waist.

I was tense very tense, cuz I couldn't really see where I was going cuz blood was all over my face and if I opened my eyes then blood would get in my eyes.

Someone still held me back but I wasn't sure if it was a killer or one of the guys.

I was trying to get out the hold.

"Jordan stop you're gonna fall off the stairs." someone said and it sounded like December. we started walking down the stairs

"Where are the guys?" I asked.

"They are fighting the ones upstairs." he answered. I tried to walk a different way but I ended up banging my head against a wall.

"Stop, I'm taking you to the bathroom." he said.

When we were there he let go of me and I just stood there awkwardly.

He started whipping the blood off my face.

"You killed two guys without hesitation, how many did you kill?" he asked me.

I stayed quiet. "You done?" I asked, about him cleaning me up.

"Yeah." he said. I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror. I still had blood on me but not as much. I turned the water on and bent down to put water on my face.

After 5 minutes there was no blood on my face. so I stood up straight.

"We're cleaning up the mess, and Leas with Jane and jade." Daryl said to us, then walked out the bathroom quickly cuz he was dragging a guy that he had killed, I'm guessing he's taking him outside or something.

"So how many people have you killed?" he asked. I just walked out the bathroom.

"You're gonna have to trust me someday." he said walking behind me.

"Yeah someday." I said. I walked in the living room. I saw alot of blood but I didn't feel like throwing up.

I saw Gaige cleaning some of the blood off the floor and the guys helping her.

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