His Secretive Bad Girl

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Chapter 36

"You had never listened to me." Jane started.

"Yes I have." I snapped.

"No you haven't so listen," she said. "I've been abused when I was youner-" and I haven't? "-a lot of stuff happened to me-"

She explained on how she was abused, how she was almost rapped, how and why her mom abandoned her and well all that had took 30minutes

"Are you done?" I asked glaring at her when she stopped talking.

"Yes I am." Jane said.

I stood up and walked away like if it was nothing and in my opinion it wasn't.

"Jordan!!" Norman yelled angry.

I turned around on my heel and looked him dead in the eyes.

"What?" I hissed.

"Did you not hear what she had said?!" he yelled.

"I did." I snapped.

"Then why no reaction?!" he yelled.

"She doesn't need one from me." I snapped.

"And why not?! are you to cool for her?! Well Jordan you aren't! I don't get what make it so hard to show emotion!" he yelled.

"Why the fuck do I have to?!" I yelled getting pissed off.

"She is your friend!" he yelled.

"She is not my friend." I hissed looking at Jane dead in the eyes.

Everybody didn't bother to say anything or try and break up this argument. they probably wanted to know this from me as well as Norman.

"Just because you guys got in an argument it doesn't mean you guys aren't friends!" he yelled

Him yelling was making me mad and why the fuck does he care anyways?

"We aren't friends." I snapped.

"Jordan! stop being stubborn and just apologize!"

"Why should I?!" I snapped loosing it this time.

"Because you were the one who threw the first hit remember!"

I turned on my heel and walked away.

"Jordan you don't have anything to say! you have no reason to be such a bitch!" Norman yelled.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Norman!" Brian yelled getting mad.

I turned around and looked Norman in the eyes.

"Actually I have a lot to say Norman! and you wouldn't like what I would say so I suggest you shut the fuck up." I said warningly.

"And it's between me an Jane so if se has anything to say then she could tell me instead of you sticking up for her got it?" I snapped. tired of everything today.

"You're such a bitch!" he yelled.

I socked the wall and damn it hurt but I could barely feel the pain.

"You want a bitch? I can show you what a bitch is." I snapped.

I walked over to him and I was ready to just jump on him and tackle him but I was being pulled away.

I was pissed, so pissed, I was tired of every bodies bullshit.

Once I reached the hall way out of there site this person behind me let me go. I turned around and was gonna sock this person but I saw it was December.

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