Midnight say "Choosing Hero names is going more smoothly that I thought it would! All that's left is Bakugo, Who needs to rethink his, Midoriya, Fidelia and Lida" Lida went to the front then show his name 'Tenya'. Midnight ask "You're using your first name too?" He nod. Midnight ask "Midoriya are you ready?" "Yes!" he walked to the front. Kaminari ask "Are you really okay with that?" "You might be called that forever, you know" add Kirishima.

Midoriya nod "Yeah, I didn't like this name until now. But someone changed the meaning of it, and that had a huge impact on me. It made me happy. This is my Hero name!". Midnight ask "Fidelia are you ready?" Fidelia nod then walk to the front "Heroine of Hope: Zenkai Fighter" Kaminari raise his hand "Why Zenkai?" "It's part of my power" they nod while Midnight smile "I like it"

Suddenly Aizawa unzipped from his sleeping bag "Now that everyone's decided on their hero names, we'll go back to talking about the internships. They will last for a week. As for where you'll have them, those who had offers from pros will be given your own lists, so you can choose from those yourself. Those who didn't have offers will choose from among forty agencies around the country that will be accepting our interns. They all work in different places and have different specialties"

Midnight smile "For example, 13 would be focused on rescues from accidents and disasters more than fighting villains" Think carefully before you choose" "Yes sir!" Aizawa pass the offers papers to the students "Turn in your choices before the weekend" then he walk outside with Midnight.

Hey guys, have you decided what pro agency you're going to yet?" "I'm going to Mt. Lady!" Asui went passed him while leaving comments "Mineta-chan, you're thinking about something perverted, aren't you?" "Of course not!" "Actually I've already decided!" They look at Uraraka "Really?" "Where?" "Battle Hero: Gunhead's agency" "Huh?"

Midoriya look at her "Gunhead's a huge battle type! You're going there, Uraraka-san?" She nod "Yup! I got an offer from them!" Midoriya nod "Really? I totally thought you were trying to be a hero like 13" she smile "Ultimately yes. But fighting Bakugo at the Sports Festival made me think... The stronger I get, the more possibilities I'll have! If I only do what I want, I'll have a narrower perspective!"

Uraraka look nervously at Midoriya "I wanted to ask you something... but... You're trembling aren't you?" Fidelia smirk "You decide to use that, right?" Midoriya nod "It's the air chair exercise" they shout shocked "Air chair exercise?!"

Uraraka ask surprise "Don't tell me you do that all through class?" Midoriya nod then Kaminari shout "There's no way!" Mineta comment "That's such an old fashioned exercise" Ojiro explain "What are you saying? The isometric muscle contraction of the air chair means it's an easy way to train without moving!".

⏭Time Skip⏭
Uraraka smile "Deku-kun, Fidelia-chan, let's go home together" they nod then she look at Lida's seat "Lida you too" He probably decided on where he wants to do his internship and went to turn it into the staff room" suddenly All Might appears at the front of the open door "I am here! In a bizarre position!" Midoriya ask nervously "Wh-What's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry?" "Come with me for a moment" "H-Hai"

~~~Fidelia's POV~~~
Uraraka look at me "Did you already decide where you're going to internship at?" I shake my head "No I haven't Ochaco-chan" "Must be hard for you, since there's so much choice" I nod. Suddenly I see Otaku walking to us while smiling "So wanna share the good news Izu-kun?" He ask shock "How do you know?"

I gesture to his smiling face "Its written all over your face" he smile "I got an offer" "Wow you got an offer? That's great, Deku-kun!" Uraraka shouted while smiling. He nod "Yeah" then he open Lida's locker. Uraraka ask "Did Lida go home before us?" "Perhaps he's preparing for the internship" add Otaku.

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