The Emperor is Back?! Show everyone the power of a serious Saiyan!

Start from the beginning

Suddenly Fidelia appears then punch them in the gut and jumped a few feet away and put up her fingers to provoked them "Come get me" they started attacking her 🙀They have combination attacks?! Since when?! 😠Now's not the time Ginji! Fidelia scolded Ginji while dodging attacks then kick them away and put hand on her hip while smirking "Is this all you got?".

Dodoria rush at her then started attacking her but she counter them with her own attacks. Dodoria punch her but she grab it then throw him away then he stand "You little..." then he looked behind her to see Zarbon charged his Ki suddenly he shoot a Ki wave at her but she jumped that cause it to hit Dodoria "Dodoria!" "Die!" she shoot Ki wave at Zarbon that blow him to bits.

Fidelia see Freeza walk to All Might then Mic use his Quirk "Yeahh!!" "You're too loud" Freeza said while shoots multiple death beam at him but Cementoss use his Quirk to make a wall in front of Mic but it penetrates his walls and Cementoss manage to dodge some of them "Midnight use your Quirk" she nod at Cementoss then ripped her clothes on her hand then pink smoke coming from her. Freeza smile while waving his hand on his nose "What a foul odor" then he shout while transforming and blowing everyone away.

Once the smoke is gone everyone see him in Golden Form "Let's see if you guys could handle Golden Freeza" then the heroes started fighting him but no one could touch him. Heroes start to shouting "What is he?!" "He's a monster!" Suddenly Freeza move a lot faster and kick everyone away. Freeza look up to see All Might's fist collided with his face but he just smile then grab his arm and started throwing him like a ragdoll.

 Freeza look up to see All Might's fist collided with his face but he just smile then grab his arm and started throwing him like a ragdoll

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(A/n: Switch Kale with Freeza, but less intense than that)

Freeza went to All Might then pick him up using his tail then started punching his gut several times while laughing "The stronger the better to torture! Hohohohohoho" Child! 😾Freeza's toying with All Muscles! Fidelia see Freeza point a finger at his head "Farewell" "Not gonna let you do that!" shouted Aizawa jump in the air then grab Freeza's hand use his bandages then pull it and use another part of it to tie his body "Ho?"

Aizawa see Freeza's hand start to move then he use his Quirk suddenly Freeza shoots 4 death beam at Aizawa but Fidelia shoots ki blast to counter it. Aizawa tighten it then Freeza smile "Do you think you could hold me with these weak bandages" then he power up and break it "Wha?" "Aaahh... freedom!"

Mt. Lady grab him with both of her hands "Got you!" Freeza sigh "😔Can't I get some fresh air around here?" Fidelia see Freeza move two of his fingers down "Aizawa Sensei! Use your Quirk on Mt. lady!" "Huh? Why?" "Just do it!" Aizawa do as Fidelia said. Mt. Lady look at herself "Huh? Why did I became small?" Then the Disc land at both of Mt. Lady side scaring her "Wha?"

Freeza smile "As expected Fidelia-san, you noticed it" Fidelia walk to him "All of you stay back! I'll take care of him" "Huh?!" "You can't be serious?!" "You'll be killed!" "He take down all of the heroes on his own" but she ignored them then walk to Freeza. Freeza smile "You already defeat Dodoria-san and Zarbon-san as expected" Fidelia merely shrug "They're still weak" "I agree with you" then he use his fighting position "Let's begin the next round" Fidelia put on fighting position "Bring it!"

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