Chapter 25

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"Don't waste your time looking back. You're not going that way."

-Ragnar Lothbrok

It's pretty mean to say this, but the party was kind of lame until the adults had left. Then the fun began.

More people came; I never saw them before. They were apparently the friends of Jordan's friends They brought alcohol, drugs, girls and a lot of beer.

I couldn't recognize the place anymore. Loud music, a lot of people dancing and singing, eating junk food, drinking, smoking and making out, it smelled oddly exciting.

I've been at parties like this before and saw many of them in movies, but this one was different: I was the king. I literally had a crown on my head the whole night.

'So you did meet my parents,' I said loudly trying to cover the sound of the music.

I joined Jordan to the kitchen. He was trying to open a bottle of beer. That kitchen was so messy, it needed a dozen people to get cleaned, I felt pity for whoever house this is.

'Technically I didn't,' he said taking a sip of his drink. 'I only talked to your brother. He did the rest.'

'I think my brother really likes you.' I looked around. 'Where is he anyway?'

Jordan looked down smiling.

'What ??' I asked. 'I'm sure he didn't leave with mom and dad.'

'No they didn't.'

'Who's they?'

'Your brother and Ed.'

'So where are they?'

'They were upstairs.'

I looked at his sneaky smile that was not fading off.

'Oh my god !!' I exclaimed laughing. 'THEY DID NOT !!'

'They did,' he assured chuckling. 'They were so drunk, they made out in front of everybody.'

'When did that happened!!?'

'Twenty minutes ago, when you were taking shots with your friends.'

Plenty of emotions and thoughts were going in my head then. I was happy for my brother but also worried and scared.

'In front of everybody?' I repeated.

'Yes...and it was fine. People were laughing and applauding. No one said anything.'

'OH MY GOD! I feel guilty for not paying attention to him.'

I headed towards the stairs without thinking.

'What are you doing?' J asked holding my arm. 'He is fourteen. What did you expect?'

'A little more responsibility from his side.'

'Come on! Don't be like that. They were fine! Everything is ok. Just try to chill a little.'

I stopped, feeling suddenly like my mother. Exaggerating every little thing and being annoyingly overprotective.

'Maybe you are right. I'll talk to him when he comes down.'

'They already left...'


'I made sure they were safe,' he assured. 'Your brother is on his way home.'

'Where the fuck was I?'

'Being fun.'

I rolled my eyes. 'Ok...thank you.'

'Let's go back to the party. People are waiting for you,' he said dragging me out. I followed him trying so hard to forget the fact that my brother may just have had my party.

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