Chapter 22

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Sometimes the hardest decisions are made in the worst moments ever. But they could also lead to the best things.

I opened the door, hands shaking. This is the address. I'm pretty certain.

The lights were off. I knocked, but the door was already opened, so I pushed it and got in. There were knots in my stomach and sweat sliding behind my back.

Darkness everywhere, not one sparkle of light, or a single sound. I began to doubt that maybe I was given the wrong address. I searched for a light switch for about a whole minute. Then I found one and pushed it...

'Oh my god!' I yelled completely freaked out. My brain couldn't process that view in front of my eyes.


Two days earlier.

'Doctors are hot as fuck. Don't you watch Grey's anatomy?'

I laid on the couch and deactivated the speaker. I like to talk to Jordan on speaker so I could feel like he is home with me. But as I heard steps coming towards the living room, I held the phone closer.

'Well that only happens in TV shows, real-life doctors are old and most of them are bold.'

'I still disagree,' he took a pause. 'You're going to be a sexy doctor. Period.'

I closed my eyes feeling shy. Although he is not here. He still got that effect on me. Even after a whole year of knowing each other.

'So what's the big news you wanted to tell me?' I said a bit after.

'Dude, go somewhere private because you're probably going to scream your ass off.'

I sat straight, feeling the adrenaline running in my blood. 'What is it?'

'I got into the music school I wanted,' he said after keeping me on hold for a pretty long second.

'Holy shit dude that's fucking cool,' I yelled 'You're finally going to study shit that you actually like.'

'Yeah, I know. But that's not the best part.'

Now I have no fucking clue what could be better than his dream school.

'Spill it, man,' I said unable to bear the suspense he was making.

'Guess where?'

'Where?' He kept me in the dark for a while, 'NO! IS IT?'

'Yes.' He laughed.

'Jordan don't fuck with me...I swear to god...'

'I am serious.'

WHERE. ARE. MY. WORDS!? My whole English is gone. My tongue is paralyzed. I can't process this.

'WHAT?!' I yelled out of my mind. 'It can't be!! I cannot believe it! My boyfriend and I are going to study in the same fucking city! I get to see you EVERY DAY!'

'Yeah, I'm really worried about that.'

'Shut up,' I laughed 'I so want to hug you right now.'

'Well get out the door.'

I ran to the window. He was standing in front of the house, smiling.

'How did you get here so fast?'

'In my private Jet. Why are we still on the phone? Come down.'

This feels like a 90s movie. I thought, running toward the door. Somethings are so beautiful, it's almost impossible to believe they are actually happening.

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