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Here I am at the prom wearing my pink dress and holding hands with Jordan, dancing slowly in the center of the dancefloor…… 

FUCK NO! If you think that would be the end you were not paying attention. I'm not a fucking princess, everything will not just fall in place. I won't get a happy magical ending like some old Disney movie. That’s not what reality is; actual life continues after the magical night of the prom; or after the big royal wedding. It gets harder and trickier. Couples start having problems and suffering from daily life struggles no matter how much they love each other. Their ability to dealing with those problems is what defines their love and the strength of their relationship.

That’s something movies never show. They are always ended up with a beautiful kiss under the city lights or something. And that’s IT! Figure out what’s next by yourself! Because who wants to watch a movie about real life? We are already living it. We need a little distraction sometimes in a while. And that’s not completely wrong. What is awful is comparing your life to a movie or that show and expecting too much to happen. You will probably get disappointed as fuck.

Actually, Jordan and I missed the prom. Instead, we had a full day at the beach for ourselves. That’s how we celebrated the end of the school year. Together, in his car. 

He was driving and I was sitting by his side annoying him about the music he was playing and forcing him to switch to my favorite songs. He let me do whatever I wanted. I enjoyed singing with my horrible voice and eating cheeseburgers and fries like an animal. I felt truly happy.

‘Why do you get to eat and I have to drive all the way?’ he complained. 

‘Because I don't have a license yet, I failed the test, and we don’t want to die today don’t we?’

'Dude, how old are you?'


'I'm dating a baby.' 

'Shut up. You are like two seconds older than me or something.' He laughed keeping his eyes on the road.

‘Don’t worry I’ll feed you, honey.' I said faking a flirty tone as I put a couple of fries in his mouth.

We both know I suck at flirting and doing romantic shit. Even that I’m a very romantic soul. In practice, I’m way clumsier. I cannot do cute stuff that “girlfriends “do to their boyfriends. 

I may do the opposite though.

It has been two days since we kissed, and yet we didn’t speak about anything. I’m still confused about a lot of things. But deep down I really don’t care. What matters is that we are together. I wish I could expand this day to infinity.

‘Are we there yet?’ I asked whining. 

‘Actually, we are,' he parked up the car.

Through the window, I was able to see the beach. Under the summer sun, I felt the warmth of those brilliant rays, of light granting us new vibrant colors, softly brushing smiles upon my face and his. Summer is here baby!

I took my tee-shirt and jeans off and threw them in the car within my baskets. ‘The last one to get to the water pays for lunch. I yelled running towards the beautiful water.’

I can hear him laughing behind.

‘I can’t believe I’m spending my prom night in a five-star hotel !!’ I managed to express while walking into our magnificent bedroom. 

After spending the whole day at the beach and dining in one of the most beautiful restaurants –I brag a lot?–I thought we were going to get back home at night. But Jordan had it all planned out. He had got us a room in this classic hotel, I never visited before. I wandered around checking its fancy curtains and a wide balcony that viewed the beautiful lights of the city. It was so magical and romantic but a little too fancy. I kept wondering how did he pay for the whole of it? And how did he managed to plan for the whole thing? But more importantly WHY THE HELL IS THERE ONE BED? SHIT! I AM FREAKING OUT!

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