Chapter 21

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"The things we love destroy us every time, lad."

-George R.R Martin

'Can I come in?' I asked standing by Jason's bedroom door.

'Fuck off.'

I didn't. I pushed the door slowly and got in. He was listening to music from his iPod, laying his back on the side of the bed.

'I'm sorry,' I sat next to him and took one of the earphones off his ear. 'Let's go now, dad gave me the money.'

'I don't feel like going anymore,' he said in a small voice.

'Don't do that now, I know you want to see Ed, you little piece of shit.'

He smiled in shyness looking at my sneaky gaze. 'Not really.'

'Come on man.'

'I hated what you did there. You are not the kind of person that runs away from problems.'

'Trust me. I became exactly that kind.'

He took the other earphone off and made me look in his eyes. 'No. You're not a coward. He will be there, and you'll tell him. Today.'

'You don't get it. He is going to freak out. He is not gay.'

'Everybody is a little gay.' he said rolling his eyes.

'Clearly.' I laughed. 'Can we go now?'

'Okay,' he got up.

'Dad gave me a lot of cash this time 'I added in excitement. 'Now hurry the fuck up.'

I got up to leave him packing his bag. 'Hey.'

I turned around before getting out the door.

'If don't help me,' he said gazing softly in my direction. 'No one will.'

In ten minutes we were in Dad's car. He sat in front of the wheel and took a deep sigh.

Jason and I were in the back seat hoping to get to that park without going through some weird conversation.

Luckily we did.


I had very low expectations about the place. But it turned out to be pretty nice. Five big swimming pools, long toboggans, gaming booths, small restaurants, kiosks, and ice-cream vans. All of it is in my town now.

As soon as we got in, Ed came to us. 'I'm Ed,' he said shaking my hand.

'I know who you are,' I answered glancing at Jason.

'I'm so sorry about what Maurice did. He was...high.'


He seemed very ashamed and couldn't even look at me straight in the eyes. 'I hope he didn't hurt you much.'

I turned to Jason looking for some backup, but his eyes were already fixed on Ed. Looking at him in admiration. Jesus! I lost you, little brother!

'Don't worry about it.' I answered. 'But what if he tries to hit Jason again?' Only the thought made me angry.

'No!! He won't' he assured. 'I talked to him. He promised me.'

I took a deep breath having no other choice but trusting his word.

'Okay.' I inhaled. 'Be careful.'

I took off my clothes and I sat under my sunshade umbrella. Wearing my black swimsuit and sunglasses. I hoped for Jason to get bored so we can fuck off. Before Jordan could find me. But it didn't seem like it though. He looks like he would never get bored. Those two never get enough of each other and it was very obvious that they are more than friends. Everybody can tell just by the way they look at each other and laugh together.

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