All Might vs Fidelia?!

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All Might take out a small book "Now listen here" Midoriya ask shock "A script?!" The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to dispose of that. The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or catch the heroes" Midoriya smile "The situation feels very American!"

Lida ask "They're being decided so haphazardly?" Midoriya say to Lida "Pros often have to create makeshift teams with heroes from other agencies, so maybe that's why?" I see, the discernment to look ahead" then bow "Please excuse my rudeness!" "It's fine, let's do this!" All Might said with booming cheery voice.

One of them ask "Wait! What about Fidelia-san?" All might smile "Be surprise Young Fidelia, you're opponent will be none other than" then he pose show his muscular arms "Me!" Everyone look shocked at him "Huh?!" "I'll be the villain and Young Fide...

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One of them ask "Wait! What about Fidelia-san?" All might smile "Be surprise Young Fidelia, you're opponent will be none other than" then he pose show his muscular arms "Me!" Everyone look shocked at him "Huh?!" "I'll be the villain and Young Fidelia will be the hero" then he smile at her "It'll be one on one, you're okay with that right?" 😸Yes! Finally! We'll get to kick his butt! Fidelia chuckle at Ginji's enthusiasm and shrug "I don't mind" everyone shout "Huh!?" Sato say "But All Might-Sensei" Fidelia smile "Relax, it's not like he's a real villain or anything" Midoriya say "But, this is All Might you know" "It'll be very hard to face him on your own" add Uraraka.

All Might smile while showing the ball that showing which team will be fighting "Alright the first team against each other is... This team! Team A will be the heroes, and Team D will be the villains" Fidelia face palm 🤭Oh no 😺Those 2 fight each other huh? I hope that Bakugo boy doesn't kill Midoriya boy All Might inform "Everyone else, head toward the monitor room" Hai!" Bakugo glare at Midoriya which he shrink from his gaze but he gaze back at Bakugo which angered him more.

~~~Fidelia's POV~~~
This isn't the monitor room Ginji suddenly Ginji appeared at the front of me "Let me see your wounds Child" I nod then take off my top then Ginji smile widely "Your wounds are almost healed" "Yeah" suddenly 2 mugs appeared on Ginji's hands then he give me one "Now let's think of a way to defeat him" I nod.

I see Ginji started pacing around "What do we know about All Muscles?" "He's strong and fast in his muscle form. But there's a time limit on how long he could use it a day" "So that means we could just wait for his time limit then we take him down" "Yeah but remember there's also a time limit for this training Ginji" "That's right" "And all of his attacks focus on hands" "Hmm... That means if we can stop his hands from moving Child, you can win" I nod then Ginji sit down with his legs crossed "Now then let's get training" "Image Training?" Ginji nod.

⏭Time skip⏭
~~~3'rd person POV~~~
Suddenly All Might appears at the front of Fidelia while shouting "Found you hero!" It's not even a minute and yet he already found me 😼Actually that saves us the trouble of looking for him She smirk "Aren't you gonna guard your nuclear weapon villain?" He smile "No need because this is going to end soon" then he shout "Detroit... Smash!" Did I get her? The smoke cleared then he see Fidelia on a floor She managed to jumped out of the way? 😁She's impressive Fidelia stand up then started dusting her clothes "That was close"

Child! I found the nuclear weapon Where? Second floor from the top 🤔Second floor huh? We're on eighth floor now 😺We could run past All Might and go for the weapon, or we could go the hard way 🤨By defeating All Might, right? Ginji nod It's up to you Child, but, I suggest you run and retrieve the weapon Why? I don't want you to get hurt again, besides, your wounds from your previous battle haven't healed 100% yet

Fidelia run past All Might but suddenly he grab her clothes then pull her to him and he punched her stomach that sent her flying to the wall that cause her to cough blood "I'm not letting you get to the weapon hero" then he started laughing with his booming voice "Hahaha!" 😾Looks like he wouldn't let us go that easy. All Might smile "Is this all you got hero?" 😓Looks like we got to fight him Can you beat him Child? Maybe Maybe? 🙀Child your abdomen is bleeding! Looks like the wound opened up... You have to finish this quick Child Agree

All Might look Fidelia stand up while holding her stomach Looks like I punch her too hard "You okay, Young Fidelia?" he asked with a concern face and voice. Suddenly she rush at him She's fast! They're fists collided with each other She's strong then he use his other hand to punched her chest it connected then he smile "Got her! Huh?" "It's my win" "From behind!" Fidelia grab his head then slammed it on the ground causing him to cough blood Now Child! Fidelia nod then capture him.

▶️At the washroom▶️
Fidelia went to one of the stalls then lock it suddenly Ginji appears at the front of her while holding iodine bottle "Let see your wounds" she nod then he apply it to Fidelia's wounds which she winced in pain "Sorry Child" then he form bandages and wrapped it around her stomach "That should do it" "Thanks Ginji".

She look at Ginji who's smiling widely "You look happy" "Of course I am" then he puffed out his chest "That'll show him to not underestimate you" then he smile at her "Anyway, think you're up for some dinner?" "Thanks but I got to go back. Izu-kun is waiting for me at the front gate" he nod then disappears and she started changing to her school uniform.

▶️At the U.A. gate▶️
Midoriya eyes shining "You're amazing Fidelia-chan! You're on par with All Might" "How's your stomach?" "It's fine Uraraka-san" "You can just call me Ochaco" she nod "Fidelia-kun you're amazing back then" she smile "Thanks Lida-kun" Then He use his hand motion "You can call me Tenya. Since I already call you Fidelia" 😺Wow they call your first name very fast! Fidelia nod. They went to the train stations "Bye!" they went on separate ways.

Minutes later Midoriya open the door "We're back!" Inko greet us with smile "Izuku, Fidelia welcome home" "Mom! Today Fidelia was fighting All Might!" "Huh? All Might?!" She started to panicking "You didn't get hurt do you?!" Fidelia smile "I'm fine" then went to her bedroom suddenly she hear Ginji mimicking Fidelia's voice 'All Might is strong. I want to have another round fighting him' is what your face is telling me 🙄I can't help it, he's strong

(A/n: That's Fidelia's hero costume except the logo is Whis logo and the outside shirt is red and of course less muscle than Goku)

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(A/n: That's Fidelia's hero costume except the logo is Whis logo and the outside shirt is red and of course less muscle than Goku)

The Heroine of Hope (Dragon Ball Super X BNHA Crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora