Chapter 33

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[Jennie's POV]

I'm feeling frustrated right now. Guilt taking up my whole.

When I saw Lisa being pale on the day I gave birth to Lucas, I knew it has something to do with her dad. But I'm never one to press her buttons so I just shrugged it off that moment.

But the night when I put Leo to bed, he told me something we never know then.

"Mommy? I'm bothered" he said laying his back on his bed.

"Bothered of what, honey?" I asked fixing his hair and his blanket.

"When you and daddy got married. There was a man, he looks like daddy but I don't know him. Then I saw him again when I was crying when I was lost" he said making me stop at my trance.

"What?" From that I already knew it was Lisa's father. What is he doing that time? Thought he was looking for him and yet he's not the one to return him to us.

"I don't know mommy. I just remembered" he answered and then go to sleep immediately.

I was alarmed of it the moment I heard it. I wanted to tell Lisa. But knowing Lisa and how furious she is about her father, I decided not to tell her all of these, yet.

So instead, I called Leslie. Asked her all I can ask about Lisa's father. Luckily, she managed to give me the chance to know him. We kinda met each other at a resto early this morning.

Of course, I did not tell Lisa about our agenda. Leslie picked me up at home and tell Lisa we will just go out and buy some stuff for Lucas and some foods and toys for Leo as well. Knowing that it is some kind of our bonding, Lisa never doubted it.

Leslie invited him over. And there, he managed to tell us the whole story. Now I understand why Lisa has been furious of him.

They were used to be so close to each other. He treated Lisa like a royal princess in their home. However, things went rough when her dad fell inlove with a woman who is the reason that break his relationship with Leslie. He came to the point that he was madly inlove with the woman that he decided to leave them. Not that Leslie blames him knowing that they were just arranged to be married.

So when he left, Lisa get mad at him. So much that it breaks her heart everytime she thinks about him. To add that her dad even told her to forget about him.

I also learned that his relationship with that woman didn't last. He misses his daughter every time. But he did not have the guts to return. Fearing that Lisa will never accept him back. He became part of a large group of mafia where he used his power and connections to keep himself updated with Lisa. He watched her over.

He knew all along about the thing that Leslie and Lisa went over to Verona to find Marco. He did not stop them, knowing that Marco has always been Leslie one true love. What he cares about the most is his daughter's happiness. Which he saw in me.

To my shock, I also learned one thing that caused me to hate Kai all of a sudden.

"When I knew my daughter loves you, I did my best to make you go to her. I hate to say this, but few days before you broke up with your fiancé, I already had a deal with him.... that he will leave you and let you be with my daughter. I'm sorry Jennie. I know you might hate me for this. But I offered him a business deal I knew he couldn't resist. And I was right. He chose it over you. I don't know if I will feel relief that I did that to make you go to Lisa and realize he wasn't really a man or should I feel guilty for all of it all of a sudden.... However, I'm glad that even before he did it, you are the one to break up with him. At least you weren't hurt. I'm so happy that you choose my daughter. She's always been into you" He's statement left me in shock.

All this time I thought Kai had been very understanding. But now I knew it, he's an asshole who chose money over me. At some point I'm so mad at him. Gladly, I did the right decision to choose Lisa.

"I did all I can do to not let anyone ruin your relationship with Lisa" He stated.

"You're such a loving father. I wish Lisa knows about all of this" I uttered softly as I look at his eyes who's in the verge of crying already.

"I did a lot of things, Jennie. I did terrible things. Things I know that Lisa will never like. Things that meddled her personal life. Things I did all for her, but now I cannot even tell those. I cannot be proud of what I did. If only I could do things the other way around, I would. I wish I could be proud to tell these all to Lisa" he said sobbing.

"What do you mean?"

"I did things. Diana, Diana Flippo. She's Roseanne's friend. And I knew she's head over heels for Lisa. She planned a lot of things just to get to Lisa's life. That I even knew she planned on drugging her and have sex with her, be pregnant with her" he stated. All of a sudden, everything from how we met Lincoln came back to life. Shit, I'm so confused.

"W-what? Then how about Lincoln?" I asked him. Worried that he might be Lisa's. Though, they said it was son of Lisa's dad. But hell, I feel my insides are twisting.

"Lincoln? Don't worry Jennie. He's my son. When I knew about her plan, I sent one of my men over the bar where they are. He switched the drinks with the drug that she was about to give to Lisa. And make it the one she drunk" he stated. I let out a sigh of relief. At least it was something that will not bother me anymore.

"Then how did he became your son?"

"I took advantage of the woman. I thought if I will not do it, then she might plan another thing that will let her win Lisa. So when she got intoxicated by the drug and Lisa already refused her, I took her and made her pregnant" he said honestly.

I was shocked with all these things revealed in front of me. I don't know how would I react.

"You made her pregnant so that she would stop bothering Lisa?" I asked him. Almost furious.

"Yes. After everything that happened. I did all I can to pursue her and made her stop chasing Lisa. Especially that she's already pregnant. She knew Lisa would never like her when she's already had a child" he continued.

"Why are you doing all of these?" I asked.

"Because I love my daughter. And I think this is all that I can do for her... at least before I die"

"What do you mean?"

"I have a cancer Jennie"


And now he's critical. I feel guilty that I asked him to come over here. At least I should've talked to Lisa and make her understand things. In that way, I think it should've lessen her anger. Or maybe she will react better than that.

"I'm so sorry, honey. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have brought him at home without telling you before hand. I knew he had cancer. And I thought fixing things between you would at least lessen his burden. I'm so sorry" I sobbed, hugging Lisa as she blankly stare at her father in the hospital bed.

"None of it was your fault, Jennie. I should blame myself for this. I should've talked to him calmly. I should've listened. If I just knew all of it, all the things he has done, everything... it would make things better. But I did not listen" she said, not breaking her eyes off her father.

"He would be fine. Especially when he knows you already forgave him" I assured her. Hugging her from behind as if it will lessen the pain, as if it will make her feel better.

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