Chapter 11

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[Lisa's POV]

I wanted to stop her. I wanted to run after her and tell her how much I love her. I want her for myself but I don't know what to follow anymore. My heart bleeds for her, it's pain shouts her name and only her could heal it but my mind tells me to do the right thing. I cannot meddle with her relationship with her fiancé. He met her first, he had her first. Who am I to just take her away without considering how he worked hard to win her?

Seeing the car go farther and farther away from me only made my heart swell and break more. I wanted to cry but tears won't fall.

"How many Jennie Kim's do you think exists in this planet? Don't wait until what happened to me happens to you." Mom said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"But she's getting married" I replied in a very low voice.

"If only you opened your eyes earlier, you'll see the hesitation in her eyes. She loves you but she's waiting for you to make a move. Man up, Lisa! Or you will have to wait for 28 years to be together, or worst, you'll end up regretting you didn't chose to fight for her. True love only comes once, child" Marco said making me realize things.

"She's marrying him but her heart is with you, honey" Mom added.

Those words from Marco and Mom were enough for me to wake up my mind. They are right, it is now or never. Get Jennie or end up regretting that I didn't take her when I had the chance.

Without saying a word, I swiftly ran towards my car to chase the girl I've always always wanted.

I drove away fast without saying a word to my Mom and Marco. They didn't stop me which is a clear sign for me that they are up with my decision right now. I should've done this earlier.

I was back on the road but I can no longer see Bambam's car. Fuck, he must be drivin' like a hell.

There's no choice left for me but to just rush and follow Jennie to the place that they are staying, near Juliet's house so I just drove my way there.

The drive was long enough. I also encountered some traffic jams and an accident too making me reach the place quite late in the afternoon.

Finally, I was already here a few blocks away from the place that they are staying. A lot of people are scattered around the street in front of the house so I just decided to leave my car blocks away and there was Jennie in a balcony, alone.

I smiled when I saw her. I'll make you mine right now Jennie. I rushed all the way to her but I froze when I saw a man came and hugged her from the back. That must be Kai.

My eyes started to water. I knew it was already late for me. Now that I see her smiling at him, where would I get the strength to take her away? Maybe she's really made for him.

I closed my eyes not wanting to see her with him and just returned to my car. Once again, I looked back before getting in to my car. She's talking with him while hugging each other. I guess I have to go now.

I love you, Jennie Kim. I wish I have told you that.

When we were back, I decided to stay in the veranda. Lisa is still stucked in my mind and I don't know anymore if I ever did choose the right decision. I love her so much that the pain just ached more after leaving.

A hug from my back pulled me out of the deep thoughts I have. It was Kai. I hope he didn't notice but I frowned when I knew it's him. I just wished it was Lisa.

"I thought it will be 3 days before you come here" I asked him.

"Yes, but I have to meet the supplier tonight" he said. I honestly hoped that he came here earlier for me but it's not. I'm not the reason.

"Okay" is all that I can even say.

His phone started to ring and of course he took it and pulled out from our hug.

"I'll just take this" and he left again.

My frustrations only lead me more to my regrets. I thought seeing him again would erase what I thought I am feeling for Lisa. For some reason I thought that I just liked Lisa because of the attention I was getting from her but I was wrong, I even validated I already fall out of love from him and I really love Lisa. I turned my back again and a car caught my attention. It was Lisa's and it is driving off the corner.

Did she follow me here?

But if she did, why is she leaving?

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