Chapter 19

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[Lisa's POV]

When everything is finally settled, I spent 2 more days in Thailand with my family. Mom and Marco are very supportive of me with my decision to follow Jennie in Seoul. Though the result is still not out and I still don't know how would things turn out especially when the baby is not mine, I still decided to take Mr. Kim's offer.

"Does Jennie know you're back?" Chaeyoung asked.

We're already here in the airport. Nobody knows I'm back. Not even Jennie. Wanna surprise her.

"No. Today's the day the result will come out. She's probably there now to get it. So we'll go there straight too after this" I answered.

"What if the baby is not yours?" Chaeyoung asked but I did not answer and headed straight out once we're ready to go.

We went to the hospital where the test was conducted. Of course I'm freakin' nervous. Who wouldn't be?

When we got there, Jennie and her whole family was with her, of course Kai is there too. And I saw Jennie is holding an envelope, probably the result.

"Lisa..." Jennie said, very shocked to see me.

My eyes started to water upon seeing her. I definitely missed her and being away from her for quite long is too much for me to bare.

"Come Jennie" I said almost crying out as she ran to me, hugging me tightly while crying.

"Why are you crying?" I asked while my heart is pounding so madly.

"You came. I thought you'll run away" she said while crying.

"Hush now, I'm here. Told you I'll be back right?" I tried to stop her from crying because honestly I'm in the verge of crying too.

"But you left without talking to me, you left while you're still mad. You left me without knowing if I should believe that you'll return. There wasn't a day or a night that I stopped thinking about you, you're all that I want all this time and you're all that could ease the pain I'm feeling inside even if it is you that's hurting me" she cried out making me feel guilty.

I shouldn't have left. I shouldn't have let her felt that kind of pain. I should've been there when she's struggling. I felt so guilty for everything that I did. I should've been more careful.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that but I left because I settled things I need to settle for me to be with you" I replied while hugging her to comfort her.

"What do you mean?" She asked, confused.

"I resigned from my work and decided to move here to be with you, Jennie" I said smiling.

"W-what? Really?" She asked and I just nodded which made her cry harder while hugging me tight.

"Stop crying or I'll leave" I joked just to stop her from crying more.

"Timely, I want you to be the one to open this. We haven't seen it. I think it is your right to be the first one to see it" she said handing me the envelope of result.

Once again, my whole world stopped while I stare on it.

"You do not have to be the biological father to be the dad" -- Jackson's words kept on repeating inside my head and it makes me crazy.

I picked the envelope from Jennie. Should I open it now? What if the result will hurt me?

Few more seconds and I felt the tension risen up in the room.

"I'm sorry Jennie" I said making her flinch and cry hard again.

"What do you mean Lisa?" She asked.

"I-I'm sorry... but...." I paused and stared at her and how cute she is.

"But?" She asked again.

For the last time, I took a deep breathe.

"I'm sorry but I cannot open this" I crumpled the document and threw it away. "I don't care anymore if the baby is mine or not" I continued before hugging her tightly.

Both of us cried hard, sobbing but happy that we're still ending up together. Whether or not the baby is mine.

Everyone celebrated inside the room. Well, except for Kai.

"Oh my gosh" Chaeyoung gasped making everyone silent.

And then we saw her and Ella together with Jackson holding the paper of result.

"Lisa unnie, the baby is yours!" Ella shouted in full excitement.

My eyes grew bigger upon hearing it. Is it real? The baby is mine!

"I told you, the baby is yours" Jennie said chuckling even though she's still damped with tears in her cheeks.

"I'm the daddy!" I yelled in full of joy before hugging Jennie again.

"No...." Kai uttered before dashing out of the room.

"Don't mind him. I'll talk to him" Mr. Kim said before following him out.

"Jennie, I'm sorry for all that I've done. I should've not left you and our baby. I should've not doubted you. I'm sorry,I'm sorry... I promise to make it up to you, honey" I said before kissing her lips that I longed for few weeks.

"It's okay Lisa, I understand and what's important is that you're back and it is your baby and you even accepted it even of the result will say it isn't yours. I love you so much Lisa" Jennie responded.

"I love you and our baby, even more"

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