Chapter 4

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[Lisa's POV]

"WHAT?!" I almost yelled upon hearing what my mom said. I really thought she already gave up on this sick hunting but then again there's these 2 angels she's talking about that seemed to feed up the idea.

"Let me talk to those girls first. Mom, are we crazy to look for a Marco all over freaking Verona? Oh my gosh, it's the sickest idea I've heard" I cussed in frustration as I rushed inside Juliet's veranda where I saw 2 girls standing in there.

"Excuse me? Are you the girls that fed up my mom's mind to go scavenger hunting? Are you crazy? Do you really think that Verona is just a small City to look for a man that was gone for already 28 years?" I asked furiously.

"Hey, we're just trying to help your mom. Don't you think their love is great enough to give them another chance?" The girl with a cat eyes responded.

Yea, she's cute... No, a beauty. Aissh! But I need to shrug these thoughts off. I have to deal with her about this finding Marco thingy.

"Yes, but that was effin' 28 years ago already. Geez!" I said massaging my temple.

"Lisa, where are your manners? Is that how we treat friends?" Mom said.


"Friends? Mom, I don't even know who in this hella world are these two"

"That's because you came here ranting all of a sudden without knowing who we are" said the girl with a raven hair.

"Excuse me, I nees some air" I said and walked straight out.

[Jennie's POV]

Is that really her daughter? How come she's that rude, too far from her mother's kind and sweet personality. But she's way looking good, I must say.

"You see that? I knew you'd like her" whispered Jisoo.

"What? I don't." I defended.

"Yes, you do" Jisoo insisted.

"Chu, I know you don't like Kai but I also don't know where are you getting those ideas" I said glaring at her.

"I know because the way your eyes literally lit up when she came here to the way your eyes went dreamy even she's already yelling up to the way you smiled when she walked out, damn Jennie Kim, YOU - ARE - EFFIN' - WHIPPED." she said emphasizing the last part.

Really? Did I really do that?

"I'm sorry for my daughter's behavior. She's just like that... cold hearted like her father but she's soft inside once you get to know her." Leslie said upon returning to us. I didn't even notice that she ran after her.

"It's okay. People could be cold at times. But do you think she will let us help you find Marco?" I asked still gripping the letter that Leslie written for Juliet.

"Yes, she will. I know her. She's also like that when I asked her to come with me here but she still came with me. Let's just give her time, although she's a bit strange because she's smiling while walking out. My daughter could just be playing fool around" she said.

What? Smiling? Like, I almost literally saw burning fire in her big doe eyes when she's ranting here then she's smiling? Is she some kind of a psychopath?

"You're daughter has a frozen heart on the outside but she's soft inside? Yea. I can see how much she loves you. She wouldn't be that mad if she doesn't care of you getting hurt" Jisoo said.

Later at night, Leslie asked us to have dinner with her in the resto nearby Juliet's house and I'm surprised that her daughter also came with us and she even sat in front of me. Guess she got her head cool down already.

"Hi, I'm glad you decided to come with us" I told her once I had sat up on my chair.

"It would be rude if I will turn down my mom's request so I guess even if this is against my will, I would be joining you in your scavenger hunting... that kind of thing" she answered coldly. Well, at least she isn't yelling at me anymore.

"By the way, I'm Jennie, Jennie Kim" I introduced politely.

"Lalisa, Lalisa Manoban... but just call me Lisa, that's how people address me" she said extending her arm in front of me smiling beautifully.

Whoa, this cold hearted woman is finally being kind. I'm impressed.

"Look, I've searched on how many Marco Bruischweiler's are currently residing here. And guess what, we got 26 here" Jisoo said as she showed us the results of her research in her laptop.

"What?! Freakin' 26 Marco Bruischweiler's?!" Lisa cussed.

"Yes, but only 21 are residing nearest. Let's focus first on those 21" Jisoo replied.

And just like she cannot do anything about it, Lisa just sat on her seat and just listened on how we planned to go on each address.

Next day is the start of our... scavenger hunt? If that's what Lisa call it. I woke up Jisoo early so we could prepare our things early since we will be staying on different Inns every night as we travel around Verona. Well,that's kind of an adventure, plus it makes our trip more interesting.

Soon after, Lisa's Jeep Wrangler arrived so we immediately went out and I was surprised again that she even managed to jumped out of the car and helped us with our bags. Wow, such a gentlewoman. Who says chivalry is dead?

"Hi, Leslie... ready to find one true love?" I asked blissfully upon entering the car.

"Yes... uh... Jennie, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?" She asked hesitantly.

"Actually, she has... but that guy isn't worthy of her love" Jisoo uttered.

"Chu..." I nudged and glared at her, "I'm actually engaged already" I managed to respond.

"Oh, where is he? You didn't bring him with us?" She asked again, maybe wondering why I was here with a friend rather than him.

"Uhmmm.. actually,he isn't here. It's supposed to be a pre- wedding honeymoon but uhh... he's kinda busy in the resto he's putting up" I answered.

"Oh, must be a very busy man. But he should have time for things like this with you." she said and I just nodded.

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