Chapter 3

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[Jennie's POV]

"Wow, so this is Verona? Such a romantic ambiance it has" I exclaimed in the middle of the ground with my arms open as I inhale the relaxing air of Verona.

"Romantic if you are with someone who's willing to prioritize your happiness instead of a business. But here you are, stucked in a bestfriend in a place for lovers" Jisoo said bitterly as she carried our luggage towards the place we are going to stay.

"Jisooya! Let's just understand Kai. That restaurant is his dream and I will support him with his happiness" I said following her.

"But how about your happiness? You cannot always be the one to sacrifice here Jen. You have your own happiness too. I've warned you so many times. He's not the man for you. He may be loving you and he's not making you happy. Love isn't just about love alone. Think about it before deciding to marry him. I don't want to see a bestfriend that will regret her decisions in the future. You're still young, Jendeuk. There are a lot of people that's living around the world. Don't get stucked in a selfish business-minded man like Kai." Jisoo preached which just made me silent thinking that she might be right.

"Come on. Don't kill the vibe, Chu. Let's take a rest and we're going to Juliet's house tomorrow"

[Lisa's POV]

First thing to do in the morning was to drive my mom to the address she got and she believed that's Marco's present address. Honestly, I already got the feeling that he's not there but of course I cannot let my mom down so I still accompanied her anyway.


"Hmmm?" She hummed in response.

"What if we don't see him there?" I asked nervously. I'm actually afraid to see my mom broke down into tears.

"If he isn't there. Then what else can we do? I might just give up and just spend the rest of our stay touring around here. I would like to come to Verona. That's where we met. In Juliet's house" she replied and honestly, I felt relieved that she finally decided to give up her hopes if we don't find Marco in there.

"So, Verona it is? You know mom? I always look up to you. Even though you didn't end up with your true love and instead you end up marrying a worthless man like my father, I still look up to you for having your endless and unconditional love for Marco. I wish I could love like that but I guess I got a cold heart like my father" I explained.

"Lisa, I always knew you have a soft and kind heart. You always have it but you always choose to shut people just because you always think that love would always end up the way it happened to me and your father. I always knew that your love is deep and you'll only know it when you finally find the right person" mom said. She's full of wisdom, she's full of hope. I always love mom for believing in me. Ever since my father left us, she never failed to shower me the love and care that's greater with the love of having 2 parents.

Soon after, we finally reached the address that was given to my mom. The house is nice, old style like the typical styles of houses here.

"Come on, dear. You cannot find love if you'll just stand there" she said motioning me to go with her to the knock on the door.

After a few knocks, a bearded man came out with cigarette in his mouth.

"Hey kid, what brings you here?" He asked in a husky voice.

"Uhmmm... excuse sir, we are looking for Marco Bruischweiler. Is he living in here?" I asked.

"That's me. Why are you looking for me?"

I looked at mom, only her could recognize if it was really him or maybe this guy is fooling around or maybe they both got the same name? Who knows?

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