Chapter 12

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[Jennie's POV]

After a few more days, we were back to Seoul. I also took time to finish the story while Kai is still busy with his business. We barely see each other after we returned. I felt that I was totally over him but I cannot tell him that.

There are times that he will show up in my apartment and just came to have sex and I don't know if he notices but everytime we do it, it's Lisa's name I am moaning.

Months passed and the same things happened repeatedly. There isn't a time that I did not think of Lisa and how is she now.

After quite some time, I was able to finalize the story of Leslie and Marco. I decided to leave the part of me and Lisa hanging. Maybe I could put up a book 2 about it in the future.

"What happened to Lili and Nini? Where are they?" Mr. Yang asked after her read my story. Yea, I named me and Lisa at as Lili and Nini.

"That's the hanging end, maybe I could make a book 2 of it in the future" I answered confidently while smiling at the thought of Lisa.

"That's a briliant idea. I hope you could create a book 2 of this" he said smiling.

"So, you're publishing it?" I asked.

"Of course I will, this is a good story" he said offering me a hand shake.

"Thank you, Mr. Yang" I said joyfully as I took his hand.

After he dismissed, I immediately head back to my place and looked for Jisoo.

"Chu!" I almost yelled when I saw her. She's having a chitchat with Irene and Seulgi.


"Guess what? Mr. Yang will be publishing my book" I told the news. And they were all happy.

"Really? How was it? What did he say?" She inquired.

"Well he liked the story and asked me why I left the part of Lili and Nini and I said that I might consider writing a book 2 in the future and he was happy about it" I explained.

"Hmmmm.. so Lili and Nini in book 2?" She asked teasing.

"Chu, I don't know what will be the end of this for both of us but I hope I will still be able to continue it" I said sadly.

"Love will find it's way Jennie. But drop the wedding first" she said again even though she had told it a lot of times already.

I rushed to Kai afterwork to tell him the good news

"Hey, I have a great news!" I said upon seeing him busy in doing his business.

"What is it?" He asked not minding to look at me.

"Mr. Yang accepted my book and he said he's publishing it!" I squealed in happiness uppon telling him. However, I immediately frowned when I saw that he did not react on it.

"Uhuh... yea, the story, the uh, the 2 lovers from 28 years ago" he said almost unsure of it.

"You didn't read it, don't you?" I asked almost annoyed. I left him a copy of it to read as soon as I finished it but he didn't seem to try to at least read a word from it.

"Yea, sorry... busy" he said still not even looking at me.

"Hey, wait. I just need to go to meet a supplier" he said again before leaving me.

And I was left there all alone like so kind of an employee he didn't pay attention to.

Few days after the news of getting my book published, Kai and I haven't talked that much.

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