Chapter 18

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[Lisa's POV]

After the DNA sampling, I flew back to Thailand. Not that I'm escaping from Jennie's pregnancy but I have to do this for us, though I'm still hurting of thinking that there's a chance... a big chance... that the baby isn't mine. That it is that freaking faggot Kai's baby.

"What? Is that true? I can't believe Jennie" Chaeyoung asked out of confusion.

"I can't get mad at her. I don't know. I want to understand but my mind is blown off" I answered.

"But seriously, you know he has bigger chance of being the daddy. Except that Jennie had her period before you had sex" Chaeyoung replied.

Just by thinking of it makes me feel sick. I don't know how could I react if the result will show that it isn't mine. And the words that Kai told to Jennie last time kept on repeating inside my head... "Please consider marrying me again if the baby is mine. We'll build a good home for the baby" --- SHIT.

"So what's your plan?" Chaeyoung continued after my long period of silence.

"Move on if the baby isn't mine?" I answered while feeling the pain of it.

"You're coward, Lis. Where did the balls go?" Jackson said making me and Chaeyoung turn our heads to him as he settles himself in the couch.

"Geez, how long have you been there Dr. Wang?" I felt a bit annoyed of knowing that more and more people knows about it. Though, Jackson can be trusted and he's really a great friend.

"I was there all this time, you're just too preoccupied to notice me" he replied.

"Jackson, what do you want?" I asked in a bit higher tone.

"I know it's painful, Lis. But the fact Jennie wants you to be the father is already a winning situation. You do not have to be the biological father to be the dad. Remember Marco isn't your biological father but he treated you like his own. You said you love Jennie but the way you act right now doesn't show it. Love isn't just about having a baby of your own with her, it's about how you would accept her when things get rough. Now you're here while your girlfriend is pregnant, what if the baby is yours? You'll miss the moment you should be at Jennie's side. Man up, bro. Jennie doesn't deserve that..." Jackson said and tapped my shoulder before he left.

"I think he's right, Lis" Chaeyoung said too.

But I want to be the biological dad. Though, Jackson is right. I love Jennie, and this love should be enough.

"I will resign" I said to Chaeyoung.

"What?" She said furrowing her brows.

"I said I will resign" I repeated.

"Uhhhh, I heard it clear... but, resign from what? You're confusing me. What's the connection?" Chaeyoung furrowed her brows more.

"From work" I replied nonchalantly.

"Excuse me,what?! You didn't study medicine for fucking years long in US just to resign Lis! What the hell!" She cussed in frustration.

"I will resign, I will move to Seoul" I replied sternly.

"Thank Jisoos" Jackson said, we didn't even know he returned or maybe he didn't left. "If you'll do that to follow Jennie, you're doing great Lisa. I will support you" he continued.

"Then if Lisa will resign, I will resign too and move to Korea like you" Chaeyoung said and we looked at her confused.

"Chaeyoung, you're not even becoming a father to consider resigning" I am becoming more confused. I know how much this chipmunk loves me but her, being a doctor is the most important thing for her.

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