Stress over not stressing enough

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Weiss rubbed her eyes and shook her head, but the image remained the same. A picture of a girl in a red cloak, brandishing 4 knives as if they were claws, with a single glowing silver eye peeking out from under the hood. That was what Weiss was holding. Knives?? When had Ruby ever had knives?? Weiss read the description. 'Wanted for murder, alive'. ...Murder?? Since when was Ruby a murderer?? She was like the most innocent little– oh. Ohhh nooooo oh no they had they HAD killed someone!! That guy!! When Ruby was still sick with her dragon sickness or whatever! What?? What?! How did anyone find out about that?! Oh this was BAD if anyone had seen this they'd take Ruby and try to collect the reward and–

"Hey." A hand touched Weiss's shoulder, making her jump. She turned to see a confused Blake behind her. "You doing ok?" Before Weiss could hide the paper, Blakes keen eye spotted it. "Hey wait what do you have ther–" Blake reached over and tried to wrestle the paper out of Weiss's grasp.

Weiss was resilient "Nothing! Nooothing at all! None of yoUR CONCERN!!!"

After a minute or two of squabbling while walking, Blake obtained the paper from Weiss. "Oh. Oh no." She read it over, then looked back to Weiss. "So, any idea why something like this might have come up..?"

"No, I– ...ok, well, there WAS that one person she sliced in half with her claws.. When she still had them." Weiss mumbled.

"Aha, claws. That explains the knives." Blake nodded. She was right. To anyone who did not know Ruby's dragon situation, those claws definitely would have looked like knives.

"Maybe lets, get her out of the cloak for a little while.." Weiss said, picking up her speed and rejoining Ruby and Yang. "Ruby! How are you? Feeling good?" Weiss asked.

Ruby gave her an odd look. "Yes? I'm alright. Do I, not look alright?" She tilted her head ever so slightly.

Weiss felt her chest tighten. "You're great! Looking fine! Say, can I see your cloak for a bit? Maybe the rest of the night? Until we leave?"

Ruby made a small laugh. "Heheh, I would let you, but I think you'd be mad if I did." Weiss stared, unsure of what she meant. Ruby spoke again. "You said humans need to have covering clothes. The back of the dress I'm wearing is completely torn open, and one of the sleeves is nearly burnt off. but as long as I have the hood on, no one notices!" She smiled.

...ahhhhh that's riiight her wings had burst through the dress. That little brown dress was ruined. Not that Weiss minded, she'd never been to attached to it, but, now they'd have to go shopping for new clothes for Ruby? With wanted posters for her up everywhere??? They'd have to do it soon, before too many people saw the posters.. Weiss heard Blake call out to Yang, and Yang's pace slowed, leaving Weiss and Ruby a few feet ahead of them alone together.

Ruby stretched her arms as she walked, letting Weiss see the charred fabric. Oof. Ruby glanced over at Weiss, with a smile that almost made her forget everything in the world. "It'd be nice if we could go a week without bleeding, huh?" Ruby said jokingly.

Weiss scoffed playfully. "That would require a certain someone to think more clearly before jumping out of 100 ft trees."

"Hey, I tripped! It was hard to find a branch to stay stable on after changing back!" Ruby stuck her tongue out at Weiss.

Weiss shook her head and smiled. She looked up at the sky. It was dark now, stars out and abound. Weiss thought to herself. ..Ruby had killed someone. It was for self defense, but, that fact remained the same. Why.. Why was Weiss so ok with that? Shouldn't she have been at least a little disgusted, or worried, or felt bad at all? But she didn't. Weiss could understand why Ruby wasn't bothered, dragons were so much more powerful then humans. It would be like killing a pesky mole. But Weiss, Weiss should have felt something. Something. But there was nothing. Being with Ruby made her happy, so did being around Yang and Blake. Maybe she just wasn't LETTING herself dwell to hard on the murder thing, because she subconsciously didn't want to let go of the safety and security she felt with her friends? She'd been surprised, maybe a little scared for a bit, but not once had she felt disgusted buy the action at all.

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