Don't make the same mistake I did

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Soft. Weiss felt something very soft, and warm. It was so nice, she hugged it tightly and buried her face in it. What could it be? It was what she Imagined a cloud would feel like, if you could pluck one out of the sky. It smelled familiar... Weiss opened her eyes, and a flood of memories came back. The cave? Kidnapping? Yang hated her now? Weiss saw that the soft thing she'd been cuddling had been Ruby, and she'd been smelling her hair in particular. Ruby glanced over "Oh, you're awake Weiss?"

Weiss squeaked embarrassedly and pushed herself away from Ruby, falling out of the bed they were in. She banged her head, curling up into a ball while clutching it from momentary pain. Bed?? Room?? Weiss sat up, seeing they were back at the inn. Had all that stuff before just been a dream??

She wised it could have been, but Blake sitting in a chair in the corner of the room told her otherwise. Yang was next to Blake, and It looked like they'd both been reading a book together, but were disturbed by Weiss flinging herself out of the bed. "About time you got up." Yang said in an amused voice. Weiss felt her head, wincing at how bad her bed head was. She tried to tame it with her hands for a few seconds, but gave up.

"We talked while you were sleeping." Ruby said, scooting to the edge of the bed and peering down at Weiss.

"I see." Weiss looked at her foot. It seemed mostly better. It would make sense that a healing potion needed a few hours to take full effect, and it probably helped that she'd slept. And had also stopped walking around an uneven forest on said foot.

"Did you really steal half your family's fortune and run off with it?" Ruby asked bluntly. Blunt, in a curious way, as if she didn't care weather Weiss had or hadn't.

What? Where on earth had they heard that? Maybe from whoever had posed as her mother? She needed to ask Blake about that in more depth... "The only thing I 'stole' was a bit of my fathers pride since he couldn't marry me off the next day." Weiss scoffed. "I didn't take any money, why do you think we went to the guild? I was going to tell you before, but I completed a quest while you were gone." Weiss motioned to her pack, which she'd stored her earnings from yesterday in.

Ruby was silent. She turned and shot Yang and Blake an unamused stare, as if to say 'I told you so'. "Reeeealy? Isn't that INTERESTING?"

Yang folded her arms and raised an eyebrow playfully. "She could be lying you know!"

"And why would she do that? You looked through her stuff yourself, and said she doesn't have anything bad!" Ruby huffed. Uh. Yang had gone through her pack? Weiss glanced over at it. She couldn't tell. If Ruby hadn't mentioned it, she probably wouldn't have noticed at all. Although, she was sure if Yang had taken anything out she wouldn't have been able to put it back in the exact same place. But then again, Weiss wearing her pack and jostling it around messed up her organization in the pack so much anyways maybe she wouldn't have noticed. Who knows. Weiss was to stressed to think straight.

Blake returned to the book she was reading before, while Ruby and Yang glared at each other. It only took them about 10 seconds to break into a fit of giggles. Ruby was so cute when she laughed. "You know, I bet we could get Blake to do a more through background check." Yang joked.

"Hey! You said you were done!" Ruby piped up.

Yang and Ruby bickered a little more. But it was in a light hearted way, somehow, as if each girl knew what the outcome of the argument would end up being but wanted to drag it out just for the sake if it. Weiss just sat on the floor. This was it huh? Even with Ruby defending her, she was sure Yang wouldn't want Ruby hanging around her anymore. Weiss didn't know Yang too well, but.. She thought of her own sister, Winter. If Weiss had started seeing and wanting to date some, some supposed criminal, there's no way Winter would stand for that! That was what it meant to be a big sister, protecting the little one from their own stupid decisions. And Yang was Ruby's big sister. She would definitely think like Winter. They were practically the same person.

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