My first human friend

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Sure, riding at dawn had been the plan. But. Weiss couldn't leave yet. As soon as she'd awoken, she was plagued with worry about Ren and Nora. She'd left them with that, that dragon hunter. That Dragon hunter who killed people just in case they SEEMED dragon like!

And so, the trip to leave was put off by oneeee more day. God this was taking a while. Blake seemed glad to have extra time to do saddle related things though, so she'd disappeared as soon as she was able. Yang went with Blake for fitting, and Ruby was dubbed the official Weiss guard for today. Weiss hated the idea of needing to be guarded, but, due to the circumstances she let it slide...

"Nothing can sneak up on us Weiss! I'm vigilant as a, a... uhh... squirrel?" Ruby furrowed her brows as she thought. Ruby was still wearing Weiss's white cloak, as she'd been banned from using her red one till the next city. So Weiss just went without a cloak. If she got cold she'd share Rubys. That's a nice excuse to cuddle... Weiss shook her head to rid herself a of such thoughts. Find Nora, find Nora.

But, where to look? That bakery she'd busted out of was closed for repairs, Woden planks nailed to its door. And there was no way Weiss could get through those back alleys enough to find the place Nora had taken her before... it was doubtful they'd even be there to be honest.

All that could be done was aimless walking, and searching heads in the crowd. Nora's red hair stool out almost as much as Weiss's white, so she's surely see her if she was nearby right?

Ruby suddenly pulled Weiss aside and pushed her into an alley. She held a finger to her own lips and motioned to shush. A few moments later, Henry walked by. Weiss thanked the universe and every god in existence for granting dragons such keen senses. It didn't seem Henry had seen them. Breathing a sigh of relief, the two girls tried to leave the alley but then,,,,,

"YOU." A commanding voice sounded through the crowd of people. No one payed it much mind as the crowd was bustling already, but Weiss recognized it. Hazel. Weiss took Rubys hand and ran as fast as she could through the crowd. Was Hazel STILL looking for her from yesterday?? He'd definitely be pissed as Weiss having escaped so easily, especially after she tricked him into thinking she was helpless,,, her feet pounded against the ground and all sound except her heartbeat seemed to disappear. Just get away. If worst comes to worst Ruby could hypothetically transform and fly us away. Just get away. It'll be fine, you're not alone this time. Just get away. Run and don't look back.

Against her better judgment, Weiss DID look back. There were now two people giving chase. Henry and Hazel. Now he was after her too?? Godddd why now??? The twists and turns of the city streets helped in gaining ground for a time, but Ruby and Weiss were eventually met with a dead end. They hid behind a horse cart in an alley, as the footsteps of Henry and Hazel approached. "Ah! Over there, white hair!" Henry Pointed. And Hazel charged.

Charged, in the opposite direction? His footsteps got quieter and quieter, until they disappeared. But Henry's got louder. What? "Hey there." Henry looked behind the cart, and flashed a smile.

Ruby snorted.

"Oh come on, I just saved your hides. What did you do to make that guy so mad?" Henry rubbed the back of his head as he spoke.

Weiss and Ruby stepped out from behind the cart, but Ruby refused to look him in the eyes. Weiss didn't want to either, but made an effort since he DID technically help... "Thank you Henry. Now, we've got to get going-"

"Wait wait wait, come Weiss. I JUST saved you, didn't I? Don't I deserve a reward for that? Have lunch with me, after one date you won't be able to resist not having another~" he winked.

Ooooohhhh I'm having a hard time resisting not bashing your skull into a wall! Weiss gritted her teeth discreetly while thinking that. She was at her Witt's end. This guy. could NOT take a hit. How many times could a girl turn someone down before they realized they weren't interested??

My girlfriend is a dragon ( Whiterose )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora