This totally didn't count as kidnapping!

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I can't believe I'm doing this, Weiss thought to herself, as she stepped gingerly towards the edge of the forest. Weiss thought back to what Yang had said ten minutes ago. 'Don't worry, she's super calm! Just talk peacefully, mention Ruby's my sister and she'll be alright! I'll follow you in an hour!' That had better work, Weiss thought. If not, Ruby might be a goner. A goner? What did that even mean? Would this kidnapper kill Ruby? She was Yang's girlfriend, so... Actually Weiss didn't know Yang to well. For all she knew, Yang might be totally into the murderous crazy type. Uhg.

How had this even happened? Weiss was certain at this point that her disappearance wasn't public knowledge, so how could some bounty hunter or assassin have found out her whereabouts? A bell sounded in Weiss head. Oh.. She thought back on the past few days, past week even. That shadowy figure she'd convinced herself was just paranoia. That time she thought there was someone with her in the woods. That figure she saw outside the second story window at the inn– ok maybe not that last one, bounty hunter/stalker/assassin or whatever they were, it would be pretty impossible to get up there that silently. Unless they were like magic, or a faunus. Both highly unlikely. But that still didn't explain WHY they had known to look for her in the first place!

Weiss was at the edge of the forest now. "Ruby?" She called. Silence. Well, if that would have worked then she wouldn't have needed to be so stressed in the first place. Ugh. She lifted a foot to step inside, when a blade landed right where she would have stepped a moment later. Weiss gasped and drew her sword on instinct. Her eyes darted around the dark foliage, unable to make our much.

"You came." A voice said. A female voice. It seemed to be coming from everywhere at once, but also nowhere. All that did was make Weiss even more tense.

"So I did. Where's Ruby." Weiss gritted her teeth. Ohhhhh she was gonna stab this girl SO hard when she found out where she was!

"Put down the sword." the voice said.

"I'd like to keep my head thankyou." Weiss kept looking for the source of the voice. Stall, stallll..!

"Drop it or she gets hurt."

Weiss felt a twang of guilt. She didn't want to be responsible for any harm coming to Ruby, dragon or not. Weiss set her sword down gently, and kicked it away from the forest, so the voice couldn't have it. Nyeh.

"Come into the forest." The voice said. This voice was starting to really piss Weiss off. But, Ruby..

"If it's me you want, let her go, she has nothing to do with this." Weiss growled.

"Hmm, I could do that.." The voice said evilly. Evilly? It didn't sound, truly evil? More like someone trying to play a villain in a school play. Interesting. Weiss decided to play her trump card.

"She's Yang's little sister!" She said loudly.

A branch snapped, as if someone had lost their footing in the trees for a second. Ohoh, so she was in the trees? "You– how do you, what?!" The voice lost its composure. Heh.

"She's Yang's sister! Ask her!" Weiss yelled.

The voice went silent. A few moments later, it spoke up again. "If you're lying, you're going to die on the spot." The voice threatened. Again, it sounded like someone playing a role they were bad at. It didn't scare Weiss at all. Who knew a death threat could be so un-threatening? "Come." The voice tossed a rock or something in front of Weiss. She had no choice but to follow the path that was being created.

Weiss walked silently, and to her annoyance, she could never tell where the rocks and sticks that made sounds when thrown at the ground were coming from. How could someone be this agile and silent!? Her foot was starting to ache even more.. Yang had said to stay off it a few days... Weiss came upon a cave. Inside, she could see a faint flicker of light around the corner. Weiss immediately dashed into the cave and to the light source. "Ruby?" she turned a corner, and saw Ruby snuggled into a mess of blankets, sleeping peacefully. Next to her was a lit lantern, the source of light. Weiss sunk to her knees in relief. As un-threatening as Yang's kidnapper girlfriend's threats had sounded, Weiss had still been worried. But Ruby was fine. She was fine. Weiss stood, and went to Ruby's side. "Wake up!" Weiss yelled and stomped her foot. Ruby's body jolted, but stayed asleep. "Hey! Do you know how worried I was?! How were you so carless that you go kidnapped just trying to get a glass of water! Hey! Heyy!" Ruby didn't wake up.

My girlfriend is a dragon ( Whiterose )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن