As sneaky as a puppy with a tambourine

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"Alright. So. We know your secret." Nora said, pressing her hands together. Weiss tensed up, trying with all her might to keep herself from bolting back into that maze like passage. "Yes, I'm sorry, but we do know. There's someone tracking you, and WE need to catch THEM." Nora pointed at herself and Ren for dramatic effect.

Someone tracking her? Well, stalking and tracking were basically interchangeable. So it was either stalker number 1, or number 2, Weiss figured, since Henry had been number 4 and it now turned out that Nora's boyfriend Ren was number 3.

"The original plan was for Ren to bring you over when you were half asleep, but that failed spectacularly, so I snuck into the inn and stole a key instead." Nora explained.

"You don't work there!?" Weiss exclaimed.

Nora gave her a confused look. "You didn't even check? They don't have people cleaning the rooms there! That'd be an invasion of privacy! Oh my god I feel so bad. You're so trusting." Nora looked away guiltily.

"How would I know that?! You said you know my secret, you should know I haven't been out in the real world much!" Weiss held back the urge to pout.

Nora winced. "Yeah, a dragon wouldn't get out much, huh?"

Wait, wait. ...Dragon?

Weiss blinked "Dragon?"

"We know you can change to human form. We haven't told anyone, you're fine." Ren assured.

Wha, no, no! That wasn't the secret! A dragon?? A dragon???! Why on earth did they think she was a dragon!? So, her princess secret was safe but still, WHY did they think she was a dragon?? Oh no, could they have been tracking Ruby, but mistaken Weiss for the dragon?? "Why do you... Think that?" Weiss asked, trying to stay calm.

Nora took out what looked like an oddly shaped compass. "We've got a dragon tracker." What. "It points toward the nearest dragon, and it points towards you." WHAT. "See?" Nora showed her. Weiss moved to the left, then right, and the needle moved as well. Why did it point at her? What part of her was dra– oh. A thought occurred to her.. Weiss took off her scale necklace. She discretely moved her closed palm with it inside around, and the needle followed it. Nora and Ren gave her odd looks, but didn't say anything. Ah, so it wasn't a dragon tracker, it just followed the magic signature of dragon scales or something.

Wasn't Ruby covered in scales on her arms right now? Also, Nora was being pretty trusting with her scale compass. She must have had more, or they must not have been very hard to find if she was fine with showing the person she thought was a dragon the compass. Or perhaps Nora was just not very guarded in some ways. Weiss had another scary thought. Nora and Ren wanted to catch someone that was 'tracking' Weiss. Did they mean–

"A dragon hunter." Ren said. "A dragon hunter is trying to catch you. You haven't slipped up yet, but if you do, they'll jump out of the woodwork and steal you away in a second."

Oh god. Weiss, Weiss needed to get back to the inn NOW. To make sure Ruby was safe. Should she try to clear up the misunderstanding Nora had about her being a dragon..? "I'm not, actually a dragon, uh..." Should she tell them about the scale? "It's not me." Wait no shoot don't elude to a dragon still being here–

Nora raised an eyebrow. "Not you? Then who?" She said in rhyme. Weiss looked to the side, staying stone faced. "Is it someone you're traveling with?" Weiss turned away. "Are there more than one?" Weiss turned away even more. "Is it your girlfriend?" Weiss had fully turned around now, and let her panic show on her face because Nora and Ren couldn't see it. Ren taped Nora's shoulder, motioning for her to tone it down. "Ah, sorry, I wasn't trying to bombard you with questions. Weather or not you're a 'dragon' doesn't really matter, what matters is that the dragon tracker wants to get you. So you can be used as bait." Nora gave a thumbs up.

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