Dragon? more like giant lizard puppy

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Weiss Schnee was going to die. Not the best sentence to start off a story with, but here we are. Weiss Schnee was going to die, or at least she thought she was. Anyone with a leg trapped under a log, being stared down by a silver eyed red dragon would think so, right?


"I'll be alright, I promise.." Weiss spoke softly to her butler, the one who had basically raised her in her parents stead.

"My lady, please know, that if you EVER return, I will be here. You'll always have this old man on your side." Her butler, Klein said.

Weiss was touched by his kind words. "Thank you Klein.." She carefully slid down the rope on the side of the tower that was her bedroom, landing without a sound. The rope was pulled back up, and it was like she had never left. Weiss looked at the sky, the clouds covering any stars she could have used to navigate. But that in itself, was a blessing. If there was no moon out, then there would be even less of a chance that anyone would see a small shadow slip out of the kingdom..

"I can't BELIEVE I'm finally doing this." Weiss huffed, holding her pack close and her sword closer. Today was her 18th birthday. In other words, today was the day that her father could finally legally marry her off to some snobbish rich prince. And Weiss was having non of that. It felt good, running like this. Under the cover of the night, Weiss was able to slip out of the castle with ease, now dashing through the village to get past the main wall. She spied a palm sized rock as she ran, and instinctively picked it up. She cursed herself for doing such a thing, this rock would only add more weight!

At the city's edge, by the massive border walls, she stopped. It was well past midnight, around 2 or 3 she assumed. And yet, the gates were being opened? Some late night merchant was being let through. Weiss stared at the rock in her hand. This was perfect. She tossed the rock at the wall towards the right, and dashed by the guards and merchants on their left. No one saw her, and no one noticed. She was giddy with excitement. She'd just avoided the hardest part of her plan, making it over the wall!!

Now a choice faced her, run through the plains, or the forest on the opposite side? Despite being capable of running through the plains now, because of the cloudy night, Weiss stuck with her original plan. To the forest she went.

The forest was quiet. Almost to quiet? Weiss was sure that there would be some form of animal skittering about at night in the forest, but, all was still. It was quite, unsettling... Even in the castle, it had never been to quiet. Weiss could hear the guards patrol and the maids and butlers cleaning. But this forest was so foreign. Maybe, it was supposed to be like this? No, that couldn't be right, Weiss knew very well that half the animals around this stupid kingdom were nocturnal!! So, what would cause them to all be so quiet? It couldn't be her presence, could it? She wasn't sure.

And so she continued on, trekking through the dark woods, determined to reach her goal. What that goal was, in fact, wasn't much to go on. Reach the next town. Run as far as possible. Never look back. Weiss felt a twinge of sadness in her heart at the thought of never seeing her sister Winter again.. And her dear friend, Klein. But truthfully, those two people were the only ones she was going to miss. She pushed any thought of the rest of her family from out of her mind.

The animals had started up again. Sounds of crickets chirping, late night birds flitting about, and little rodents scurrying underfoot blessed Weiss's ears with peace. Anything was better then silence. Anything at all. And then, all at once, they stopped again. The deafening silence. Weiss was certain it wasn't her fault this time, no, whatever had scared the forest's residents was something else. Something large enough to silence them, but quiet enough to go unnoticed by Weiss herself. Surely, it couldn't be a.. No! No that was ridiculous! Weiss laughed nervously to herself. Just the thought of a DRAGON being in such a place was ludicrous! No, such a being would not be in this forest.

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