Can you NOT out me please

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"Girlfriend~ Girlfriend~" Ruby sung as she skipped along beside Weiss. This was killing her. Weiss, this was killing Weiss. Each time Ruby sang that word it felt like a knife being plunged into her chest. But somehow, in a good way? Why would it feel good to be stabbed. Weiss couldn't understand her own feelings.

"Hey Ruby?" Weiss called, stopping Ruby's song. Ruby looked at her expectantly. Weiss still had some questions about dragons she wanted answers to... And she'd do just about anything to stop Ruby's girlfriend song right about now. "Do you like being in dragon form or human form more?"

Ruby stopped, thinking for a moment. "Well, being human is like, wearing tight clothes. It's a little weird at first, but easy to get used to." She shrugged.

"Does it hurt?" Weiss asked hesitantly.

"Oh, no! It doesn't hurt at all!" Ruby waved her hands at Weiss. "In fact, I wouldn't mind staying like this all the time! Maybe just, I don't know, if I got something red to wear..." Ruby looked down at her brown dress. "I really liked looking at the color red."

Weiss turned back to the path ahead. "I'll buy you something red. When we get to the next city." She paused for a moment. "And this time, I'll take you in with me. You're not leaving my sight for a SECOND." She shot Ruby a quick glare.

Ruby rubbed the back of her head and smiled sweetly. "I'll be good!"

It took them 3 days to reach the next city. As it finally came into view, Weiss fell to her knees in relief. "FINALLY!" She clenched her fists and tried not to scream. Ah, she needed a nice big tub of water to stick her head in and just, yell out all her stress.

3 straight days of walking was hell on Weiss muscles. As good at the sword as she was, Weiss still wasn't used to roughing it this much. She was living in a cushy castle not two weeks ago. "Do you want me to carry you?" Ruby asked her.

"What? No, you're tired too, and I'd be to hea–AHH!" Weiss's speech was interrupted as Ruby hoisted her up, into piggy back riding position.

"Weiss, I'm a dragon. You're light as a feather!" Ruby trotted off towards the city, as Weiss began to feel sleepy.

"Uhhg... Fine. Just, wake me up before we get to the gate." Weiss mumbled as she drifted off.

"Weiss... Weisssss... WEISS!" Weiss was jolted awake by the sound of Ruby's voice.

"Huh? Where ar– ahh!" Ruby and Weiss were standing directly in front of the city gate. "Fffffffffffff Ruby!" Weiss hissed. "I said wake me before we get to the gate!"

"This is before the gate!" Ruby said, like nothing was wrong. Weiss hopped off Ruby's back, and started digging through her pack to find the fake ID she'd had prepared for her journey. She handed it to the guards.

"Name, White Sneeze. Race, human. Hails from, atlas. Age 18. occupation... Swordswoman?" The guard glanced at Weiss's rapier sword. He shook his head, not carrying enough to even ask. "Accepted. And your companion?"

"Yes, Ruby can I see your ID–" Weiss froze. Ruby wouldn't have an ID. She was a dragon for god's sake. Weiss turned back to the guard. "Sheeee, ummm, doesn't have one? Can we, get her one?"

"What's an ID?" Ruby chirped from behind Weiss. The guard groaned in annoyance. He told one of the other guards to get it done for them. Weiss and Ruby followed the new guard into a registration room.

"Ok, name?" He asked,


"Full name?"


"Ruby Ruby?"


Weiss stepped in and chose a fake last name on the spot for Ruby. "Ruby Rose."

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