Stand in the forest

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"Blake calm down they're fine they're literally dragons they'll be fine stop panicking there's nO NEED TO PANIC–"

"You're more panicked then me!" Blake barked in response to Weiss's frantic state.

Upon returning to the clearing, Ruby and Yang seemed to have vanished. "How long were we gone?" Weiss asked, scanning the area for any sign of them.

"No more than 20 minutes, I'm sure.." Blake replied. Weiss noticed her bow twitching. She must have been listening intently to try and see if Ruby and Yang were still in the area, a smart idea. But sadly, even Blake's cat ears couldn't find them. It was as if they had never been there in the first place.

Weiss sat down on the grass. This was quite the puzzle.. Why would they just up and leave? With what had been going on lately, both those girl had enough sense not to hide in the bushes to leap out to scare their girlfriends. And if they'd had to run off because of an intruder in the clearing, surly they'd have gone straight to Weiss and Blake to warn them, right? Right?

"Do we just.. Go back to the inn?" Weiss said in a confused tone, to no one in particular.

Blake furrowed her brow and scoffed. "They're around, they're SOMEWHERE." She stared up at what little of the sky she could see between the foliage of the redwood sized trees. "They must've went dragon again, and took a flying break. Yeah. Yeah that's it." Blake didn't seem to sure of her own words, but Weiss sensed she was trying to calm down the situation. That was nice of her.

"How long so you think it'd take us to die here if we just waited for them? Three days? Maybe two if a pack of rabid animals showed up?" Weiss sighed as she spoke.

"Be quiet." Blake said.

"I was just wondering–"

"No, be quiet, I think I hear something.." Blake faced her palm at Weiss in a shoving motion.

Weiss shut her mouth. And listened. She didn't hear anything odd.. Actually, she didn't hear anything at all except her and Blake's breathing. That, that was a good thing! That meant the animals in the area still sensed dragon! But, where were they then? And wh–


Weiss had started to stand up, but doubled over when that ear shattering voice invaded her head. "Ow! Volume!" She yelped.

Blake gave her an odd look, but Weiss ignored it. How did telepathy work again? Could Weiss think her thoughts back to Ruby? Or did she have to reply verbally, like she usually did? [[Finally! It's so hard to aim from this high up..]] Ruby said. Weiss turned her head to the sky. She couldn't see where Ruby was, but she let out a breath of relief knowing she was in the same vicinity at least. [[It's just, there are people nearby? I don't think they're bad, if they are me and Yang will destroy them. But uh we panicked. And flew into the trees. Sorry.. I tried to tell you as soon as you stepped in, but, it's hard to aim my thoughts from up here.]]

Weiss had so many questions. What did she mean by 'people'? How many people? Was Yang right next to her? Were they gonna come down soon? How had their chat gone? Did they make up? They were on the verge of tears when Weiss saw them left, she wanted an update on that situation! Weiss glanced up at Blake, and saw her expression making a variety of interesting changes. Yang must've got in touch with her.

"Oh, hey!" A voice sounded from behind Weiss. She immediately whipped around to pinpoint its source, her hand zipping to her sword. The person in question raised their hands in surrender. "Whoa! Hey, hey its me!"


Weiss kept her hand on her sword. Nora put down her hands, and rested one on her hip, cocking her head with a warm smile. "You're pretty jumpy, you know that?"

My girlfriend is a dragon ( Whiterose )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon