I KNOW its a short chapter stfu

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"I hope you realize this is all your fault." Weiss said in a whisper to Ruby, as they tried their best to stay hidden behind a few barrels on the street.

"We can play the blame game all we want but the fact is that YOU fell asleep first!" Ruby hissed back.

"I've had a stressful week!"

"And I've been stuck in the same room for that week, being outside was very tiring!!"

Ruby and Weiss quickly held their breath as someone walked by, then glared at each other. After Weiss had found Ruby earlier, the two had sat on a bench and talked a little. Apparently they'd both fallen asleep together, and now had to get back to the inn in the dead of night. Which would have been fine normally, but it seemed that they'd fallen asleep in just about the only area that was empty during the day, but became so crowded at night you couldn't even walk straight without bumping into someone.

Just one grab at Ruby's cloak could expose the red scaly arms beneath her hood. Weiss had enough problems already, she still needed to have a chat with everyone about how the ninja wasn't technically a threat anymore. That was the one she'd been most worried about. Weiss scanned the area and saw a chance for escape, a small gap in the crowd that would let them get to the next alley across the way, and tugged Ruby forward. She narrowly avoided some random guy swinging his arms around in a drunken frenzy of... Shadowboxing? Weiss wasn't sure what he was doing. Punching the air.

This was stupid, this was so stupid!! Who designed this part of town?! Weiss wanted to punch them in the face!

"Weiss..!" Ruby hissed. "Sneeze..!"

She had to WHAT now?! Weiss whirled around. If Ruby had to sneeze, she couldn't take out her fire proof scale hands, it would expose them to everyone. But then, she'd just sneeze fire! That could seriously hurt someone! Ruby tilted her head up, and did in fact sneeze a huge puff of fire. The roof of the building she was next to caught some of the flames. Weiss took advantage of the newfound chaos in the area to pull Ruby along even quicker.

Screams sounded, and Weiss smelled smoke. She looked back and saw Ruby making a very guilty face. "SORRY!" Ruby yelled back.

"Don't apologize!!" Weiss chastised her. The last thing they needed was for someone to corner them in the flames to ask for compensation.

They somehow got out of the flaming mess of buildings, and hid behind another set of barrels by a wall. The smell of smoke was filling the air, and the crackling wood and screams were deafening. Good thing Weiss and Ruby had dashed to the other side of the street. ...Oh god. Did they just burn down the city?

Weiss felt Ruby poke her side. She turned, and saw Ruby pointing as a piece of wood she'd moved aside, revealing a small secret passage in the wall they were up against. Weiss had flashbacks to all those weird routes Nora had taken her on the day before, but, surely going through a few more would be better then getting caught up in a fire.. So they entered.

"It's quiet." Ruby said softly, as she and Weiss stepped further into the passage. It was tall enough for them to stand comfortably after crawling through a foot or two of low ceiling area, but it wasn't wide enough for them to walk side by side. And Ruby was right. It was quiet. No more crackling wood, no yelling voices, just a deep earthy smell and complete silence other then the sound of their own breathing and footsteps. And darkness. After a little while, Weiss couldn't see anymore. It was a good thing Ruby had taken the lead, she had dragon night vision. Lucky. Weiss felt the walls of the passage, and no more did they feel like wood, no, it was more like stone bricks. Or a cave wall?

It reminded Weiss of the secret passages in the castle. She used to use them when she wanted to hide from everyone, and only Klein could find her. She hadn't really been able to process her surroundings when Nora had dragged her along. She let her hands drag against the walls as they walked, getting a feel for them in the darkness. Eventually, Ruby and Weiss came upon a split in the path. "There's two ways." Ruby said. She glanced back at Weiss, Weiss barely being able to see her silhouette in the dark. "What should we do?"

Weiss thought. With passages like this, it was easy to get lost, unless you knew the way like Nora. It would be safer for Weiss and Ruby to stick together. But then again, one of the passages might be a dead end. Weiss wanted to get Ruby back to the inn as fast as possible. Maybe, having them both go down a different path for a bit, but then coming back to share which path went which way and how large it was or if it was a dead end would be a good strategy. Yeah. "Ruby, you go down this way. Just until you hit a dead end, or a break in the path again. Ok? I'll take the other way. Make sure to come back here, got it?" Weiss said

"Mmm.. Alright.." Ruby seemed to dislike the idea of being away from Weiss for to long, but she listened to what she said and followed the order. Weiss and Ruby separated. Weiss listened closely to the sound of Ruby's footsteps, until they softly faded away. If she stood still and held her breath, it was completely silent. Weiss was confused. How did this passage work? Hadn't her and Ruby gone into a building? This was more like a cave!! And surely after walking this long, they'd have come out of it?? Unless, there was a slight decline. Maybe they'd descended underground. That would explain the unsettling silence.

Weiss shook her head and pressed onwards. After a few minuets of walking, she saw a light. A light? A pale light, like the moon. Perhaps a way out. She moved closer to it. There was a tiny crack in the wall letting in moonlight. Weiss pushed at the crack, and a mess of loose stone bricks gave way, opening up into what looked like an empty room. Yes, an empty room with a tiny window letting in moon light at the top.

Her curiosity got the best of her, and Weiss entered the room. There wasn't much to see. Apart from a door at the front of it, but it was closed. What was beyond the door, Weiss wondered?

"HEY!" A strong hand grasped Weiss's arm, making her jolt. She whirled around and came face to face with some guy almost twice as big as her. Sure Weiss was short, just an inch shorter then Ruby (though she'd never admit it) but this guy was HUGE. Also, How?? Was he here?? "What're you doing here little miss?" He said in a low voice.

"...just passing through." Weiss's voice came out in a scratchy whisper.

Are you KIDDING ME?! Weiss yelled at herself in her head. Literally, the SECOND she splits up with Ruby, Weiss gets herself onto trouble like this!! Uhg!! Maybe she was the troublesome one, not Ruby.. Weiss wanted to leave this town so bad...

And wait, how was this guy here??! Weiss had seen nothing in the room!! Nothing!! What, did he just go invisibl– ....Was. Was this, one of those semblance, things? Ruby had said there were all kinds. Ugh. Why now, of all times? Next time it'll be something even more inconvenient, like someone with fire manipulation or the ability to make you see things that weren't there. That would be just PEACHY.

His grasp was firm on Weiss's arm, so she couldn't get away. Before she could even try to think of an escape plan, the door to the room opened and someone else quietly slipped in. Weiss noticed they had a shadow wolf mask covering their eyes on. They yelped in surprise when they saw Weiss "Is this a set up?! Are you double crossing me?!" They accused.

"No! She busted in through the wall!" The one holding Weiss's arm said while motioning towards the fallen stone bricks.

The one who had just come in sighed. "Well, no witnesses. But lets not waste this. I hear someone wanted an arm on the market." He pulled out a knife.

....Had Weiss stumbled upon a secret black market trade deal or something??! Witnesses??! No witnesses to WHAT??! There wasn't even anything here!! The larger guy tightened his hold on Weiss and covered her mouth with his hand, and the masked one grabbed her arm, knife glinting in the moonlight.

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