New family member.

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Alright, I've been feeling low with my moods to the point I was freaking out. See I just couldn't think straight and struggled to write due to it. I just want to thank all of you for your support, and for YezdanYava because the poor guy had to deal with my depressed mood yesterday. However, he sent me the draft for this chapter, and also managed to pick my mood up. Surprised he hasn't blocked me considering my random personality. Thank you again.

Alright, on to the chapter...remember I just write whatever YezdanYava sends me for this book. I cringe at all this fluffy nonsense. xD

A loud painful cry echoed in the apartment, startling the two from their peaceful sleep. Rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hands, he started to panic as an agonising wail was heard.  "What the fuck is going on?" Vegeta sat up with his shoulders hunched and his head hung forward, still half asleep.

"Judging by the cries, I believe she may be in labour."  Goku climbed out bed and started to get dressed.

The bedroom door swung open with Tarble looking pale. "It's Bulma she's ...she's having labour pains..." his voice trembled,more cries of pain were heard.

"Don't panic, just grab her hospital bag and I'll drive us to the hospital." Goku gave Tarble a nonchalant smile, and titled his head to the side signalling for Tarble to leave.

"Don't panic?" Vegeta wrinkled his nose up at Goku, whilst more wails were heard. He pointed towards the direction of where the cries were coming from. "She sounds like she's dying in there."

Smiling over at Vegeta's state of panic, he leaned over the bed.  "Just get dressed." He planted a kiss on Vegeta's lips, and leaned back throwing on his jumper.

The car journey wasn't pleasant for either of the men, though they didn't dare complain; their heads pounding from her screaming.

"This isn't fair! I hate men! You all have it so fucking easy...oh my god this fucking hurts!" She shouted and started to breath through her teeth, feeling more painful contractions. She squeezed tightly on Tarble's hand threatening to cut circulation from her vice grip.

"Focus on your breathing." Tarble tried to sound so calming whilst rubbing her back, he winced as she squeezed his hand even harder.

"I'll give you something to focus on! does castration sound, huh?!!!" She spat, eyes glaring at Tarble. She could hear Vegeta and Goku snickering that caused her to grit her teeth, and avert attention to the pair on the front seats. "What are you two laughing at?!!....this fucking hurts!"

Vegeta exchanged looks with Goku, both too afraid to look over their shoulder; feeling the wraith from behind them. They chose to fight back their laughter during the rest of the journey, as Bulma continued on with her threats whilst trying to breath through each contraction.

Arriving at the hospital, the three men helped her into the maternity ward. Some awkward glances were made towards them, not that Bulma really cared she was too preoccupied to focus on what people maybe thinking. They were escorted towards one of the delivery rooms, Goku and Vegeta were stopped by the door by one of the staff.
"Sorry, only the dad is allowed in with her."

"No, that's okay, I think she was near killing us all in the car. I'm happy to wait out." Vegeta stepped back holding his hands out against his chest, he was starting to feel ever so sorry for his brother. He followed Goku into the waiting area.

In the delivery room, Bulma wailed out struggling to focus on her breathing; beads of sweat ran down her flushed face.
"Okay, deep breaths. You've done well so far." The midwife smiled over at her reassuringly as she stood at the bottom of the bed.

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