Morning after

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Slowly uncurling his body, taking in his surroundings; his eyes shot wide open realising he wasn't in his own bed. He started to cringe remembering what happened last night, as much as he was enjoying the soft comforting bedding; he was feeling very out of place. He rubbed his eyelids as he swung his legs out the bed, that's where he had noticed a large mirror on opposite side, he stared at his reflection running his hands down his body realising he had Goku's spare top on; a smile formed on his face. He could hear movement outside the bedroom, cautiously he crept out the bedroom, he could hear low voices whispering amongst each other. Vegeta's heart palpitated as he walked closer, the voices grew louder. He froze seeing Goku folding his arms talking in a low voice to Gohan, Vegeta couldn't quite make out what they were saying. Not liking the awkward tension in the room, Vegeta slowly approached them whilst clearing his throat, the pair both looked over at him. Vegeta folded his arms looking at Goku ignoring the stare from Gohan.

"So, you had mentioned going out for breakfast last night, I'm wondering if that offer is still on?" Vegeta asked whilst raising his brow, watching as Goku had a pensive look, he looked over at Gohan who shook his head at him with an annoyed expression. "Oh, don't worry. He chickened out last minute so nothing happened between us." Vegeta gave Goku the side eye.

"Perhaps because he isn't desperate?" Gohan responded as he studied Vegeta up and down shaking his head.

Vegeta chuckled at the remark before he composed himself to respond. "He was the one who was eager to get me into bed in the first place." He grinned over at Goku who rested his forehead on the palm of his hand, ignoring the subtle glare from Gohan.

"It was a spontaneous thing that I quickly deterred." Goku confessed looking at the pair who had their full attention on him. Goku sighed rubbing back of his neck, he looked at Vegeta with sincere look in his eyes. "sorry."

"So you should be, get me all worked up like that to then abruptly leave me." Vegeta tutted, he noticed the shocked expression from both Goku and Gohan. They hadn't seen this side of Vegeta, he was starting to get comfortable in his own skin around them.

"I wasn't going to take advantage of someone who I barely know." Goku responded whilst furrowing his brows.

"yet-" Vegeta paused looking around the apartment before looking back at Goku. "Here I am, stood in your apartment, wearing your top. Is that what you do with people who you barely know?" Vegeta quirked a brow, he could see Goku getting slightly irked.

"Getting a little confident there." Gohan chirped in eyeing Vegeta in disgust.

Goku sighed as he could see tension building up between his room mate and Vegeta. "It's fine." he watched Gohan open his mouth about to give him a response. "Honestly, it's fine." He replied nonchalantly at Gohan, before he smiled over at Vegeta. "The offer is still on, you are more than welcome to join us." he ignored Gohan stood in protest to this.

Walking to the cafe close to the apartment, Vegeta couldn't help but feel smug knowing not only had he annoyed Gohan, but he managed to get slightly closer to Goku. They approached inside, which caused Vegeta to gulp there were some familiar faces obviously this was something regular they'd do. He caught Chichi raising a brow at him as she was sat next to Videl and others. Faces all turned from the table to see Vegeta was stood next to Goku, Gohan had walked ahead and sat at the table. Vegeta took deep breath and grabbed a spare chair to sit between Chichi and Videl for at least he knew them a little better.

"Did you spend the night with him?" Chichi grinned massively, obviously her and Bulma had been talking.

"Yes, but not what you think."  Vegeta sighed, he looked over seeing Goku talking to the others occasionally he'd look over.

Chichi noticed their glances at one another. "I take it you were close?" Chichi noticed Goku blushing slightly each time he noticed Vegeta staring at him. She knew that look all too well, her and Videl exchanged looks before both turning to face Vegeta. Noticing the two women staring at him, he knew that they were dying to ask questions. He sunk into his chair folding his arms.  "How did you end up in his apartment?"

"Seriously." Vegeta scoffed. "What is it with you women and your twenty questions?!" He looked away shaking his head, his cheeks were slightly crimson. He rolled his eyes as the women leaned into him, they were eager for more answers. Finishing breakfast they walked together into the dojo, Vegeta checked his phone he had a few miss calls from Bulma; he rolled his eyes putting his phone away. He knew after his work out he'd more than likely come home to Bulma waiting for answers, she more than likely knew he didn't return home last night.

Spending an hour and a half during work out, he noticed a few glances were made at him. Seems everyone there knew he had spent the night in Goku's bed, but not the way he was hoping for. Again, there were some mentions of an upcoming tournament that peaked Vegeta's interest. He again, took his time getting changed awaiting for everyone to leave before he made his way into the back office. He saw chart with peoples names down who were entering into the competition, he snatched it and stood outside the back office door.He didn't even knock, he opened the door storming in which caught Goku by surprise. "How come, no one has thought to ask me if I'd be interested?" Vegeta waved the piece of paper in front of Goku's face.

"Well, you've only just started here-" before Goku had a chance to finish he was cut off.

"I've done fighting before." Vegeta stated matter of factly still waving the paper in front of Goku's face.

Goku snatched the paper off him, he furrowed his brows seeing Vegeta stood confidently in front of him. "I appreciate that, but-"

"No!" Vegeta had cut in again getting agitated. "I don't want to hear your shit excuses, just put my name down!" He chided folding his arms with a look of annoyance.

"No."  Goku responded abruptly as he started to leave the office having Vegeta follow behind him.

"No? You don't think I can do it." Vegeta sighed keeping his glare on Goku.

Goku rolled his eyes he turned to face Vegeta, seeing the serious expression on Vegeta's face caused him to let out a sigh. "Get on the mats." Goku pointed in the direction for Vegeta to go.

"Excuse me?" Vegeta scoffed at him.

"You want to prove yourself, then show me, show me what you have got." Goku stepped forward awaiting Vegeta to follow.

Vegeta gulped, he knew exactly what Goku meant. There they were sparring, each time Goku had dodged Vegeta's attacks, Vegeta would get more wound up. Goku could see this and observed carefully. As Vegeta was about to throw jab-cross he didn't pay attention to Goku's stance, he froze as he noticed Goku's foot was by his head, though Goku had stopped himself he left his leg there to help Vegeta to realise just how unready he was. Vegeta went back to his point stance, Goku shook his head seeing how annoyed Vegeta was getting. Just as Vegeta was about to throw in a punch he was swept onto the floor as Goku tripped him up with his foot. Vegeta laid still for a few seconds in shock, he allowed Goku to help him up, as he kept his shocked expression.

"You need to learn to control your temper, because that-" Goku gripped onto Vegeta top pulling him closer into him, Goku rested his forehead on Vegeta's as their eyes locked. "That will be your downfall." They froze as they studied each others faces, sweat slowly dripping from their bodies, warm breaths mingled together. Their lips slowly got closer, to the point they were just touching. Slowly, oh so delicately they kissed, Vegeta guided his hands upwards, he ran his fingers through Goku's hair as their kiss started to deepen. Their kiss was quickly broken much to Vegeta's protest. Goku started to walk ahead to open the door for Vegeta. "See you again." Just like that, Goku acted as nothing just happened.

Vegeta bit his lip, not wanting to blow his chances he simply smiled and nodded walking out the door. He looked behind him watching Goku locking up, he sighed walking ahead with his eyes downcast.

"Okay, you have to tell me everything." Bulma chirped as she was sat in the car waiting for him.

Vegeta looked over at her shaking his head in disbelief, obviously Chichi had spoken to her. He climbed into the passengers side, he caught a glimpse of Goku walking out the building, no eye contact was made. He sighed before noticing Bulma grinning over at him. "Oh for fuck sake." He sunk in his seat as Bulma started to ask him questions about what happened last night.

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