Week after

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One week had passed since the attack, Vegeta hadn't left the apartment, still suffering from panic attacks. Gohan was stood in the kitchen of Broly's apartment listening to the news report how four men had been arrested since the attack. He furrowed his brows as he faintly heard Broly talking in the room opposite, slowly he walked towards the room as he heard Vegeta's name mentioned. He could only pick up certain words from the conversation, he leaned in more  and his eyes widened on hearing how Broly wanted them to kill Vegeta; not just rough him up as that wasn't what he'd requested. Movement was heard which caused Gohan to jump back and look around the room as Broly walked out the room. Broly gave him a subtle glare as he walked towards the radio and turned it off.

Gohan sighed, looking over at Broly, as much as he was annoyed with Vegeta. He didn't expect it to go this far, guilt started to flood in. "Why did you do it?" He held up the newspaper showing the headline about the attack.

Broly marched towards Gohan snatching the newspaper off him. "I didn't do the attack, they did it."

"Yes, because you told them to." He folded his arms glaring over at Broly.

Broly threw the newspaper in the bin, he pulled a face up at Gohan. "Were you listening in on my conversation?"

"Well I-"

Broly cut in, as he slowly leaned towards Gohan. "Because it's rude to listen in to someone else's conversation."

Gohan kept his stance, trying to not to be intimidated. "Just tell me why you did it?"

"I said, I didn't do it, they did!" He spat at Gohan's face, holding onto him by his top.

"Because you told them to!" Gohan spat back, breaking off the grip.

"I hate Vegeta, it's because of him Goku broke my hand!" Broly clenched his fist, his teeth on show as he leaned more into Gohan who was slowly taking steps back.

"That wasn't Vegeta's fault, that was-" he gulped as he was pinned against the wall, Brolys face close to his that he could feel the hot breath from him.

"Are you defending him?" Broly wrapped a hand around Gohan's neck with a light grip, gently squeezing inward.

"Broly I-" Gohan gasped for air as he felt a tighter restriction, his throat and lungs burning up holding on to the last breath.

"No! I love you and Goku, then Vegeta had to steal my boyfriend from me." He slowly loosened his grip seeing Gohan's face go flushed, and lips turning blue.

Gohan's eyes widened as he started to catch his breath. "what the-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Broly slapped Gohan across the face before shoving him onto the cold laminate floor.

Gohan sluggishly pulled himself up, lightheaded from being strangled, he glared up at Broly who was now crouched over him. "You weren't dating when they got together!"

Broly grabbed Gohan by his hair and leaned his face into him. "But we could of been!"  He shoved Gohan back to the floor, before walking towards the kitchen to get himself a drink. "You shouldn't of pissed me off like that, I wouldn't of attacked you."

"Are you fucking serious?" Gohan pulled himself up shaking his head in disbelief. He had fallen out with Goku over this, and here he had just seen another side he hadn't seen before.

"If he's dead then I've got my chance again." Broly glared watching Gohan grab his coat and walk towards the front door. "Don't you walk away from me!" He stormed towards Gohan.

"Fuck off!" He snarled and pushed Broly back, he ran out the apartment, not looking behind him for fear it would slow him down.

He kept up his pace running through the dark poorly lit street towards his car. He fumbled in his coat pocket, hands shaken in fear that he had been followed. He hastily got in his car placing the key in the ignition and started to drive, whilst fastening his seatbelt. His heart beating at such a fast rate, he was struggling to focus, he drove to his uncles which made him feel more anxious. Guilt had override the rest of his emotions, and there he was stood outside the door. He had completely blanked out how he got there, his hand shook uncontrollably as he pressed the buzzer. Slowly the door opened and he let out a breath of relief seeing Goku's face.

Goku knitted his brows together studying Gohan's flushed look, and trembling hands. "What's happened to you?"

"Will you let me in please?" His voice slightly shaken. Goku opened the door allowing him to step in, the apartment was not well lit, with only the lights from the city illuminating into the living area. "Thank you." Gohan smiled over at Goku who was stood by the window, he closed the door behind him and walked towards Goku. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't realise just how insane your ex is."

Goku walked past Gohan, avoiding eye contact for he was still annoyed with him. "Are you wanting a drink?" He asked as he entered the kitchen.

Gohan shook his head as he followed Goku into the kitchen. "He had those group of men attack Vegeta."

Goku froze what he was doing. "What?" He slowly spun on the ball of his foot with a stern expression.

"I heard him talking to one of them, he was pissed that they didn't end his life..." He was nudged out the way as Goku walked past him. "Goku?" He stepped out seeing Goku looking into the bedroom where Vegeta was sleeping, slowly closing the door.

"Where the fuck is he now?!" Goku snarled clenching his fists.

"That isn't going to solve anything."

"Certainly would make me feel better!" Goku punched the wall, glaring at the floor."Prick."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't think he'd do something like-"

"Like what? How could you? After all the support I given you!" He stormed up to Gohan and paused seeing Gohan tremble slightly. He sighed and tilted his head towards the sofa, coaxing Gohan to follow.

The pair sat on the sofa, Goku was leaned on the edge his head hung forward as he listened to Gohan. "I didn't expect him to want to kill him, I understand if you don't want to talk to me after this...it's gone too far." Gohan played with his sleeve of his coat.

"Damn right it's gone too far! ...but I can't stay mad at you." Goku sunk his face into his hands.

"He still has feelings for you." He looked over seeing Goku look up and chuckle.

"That doesn't give him the rights to do what he's done!" Goku shook his head at Gohan.

"Absolutely not, that's his excuse though. I don't think he will stop..."

"Then what are you doing here?!" Goku leaned against the arm of the sofa looking over at Gohan.

"To say I'm sorry and to let you know." He confessed as his eyes were downcast, full of guilt.

"You need to report it to the police...look you can crash out here, but first-" he sighed and leaned towards Gohan. "First you are going to tell the police exactly what you told me!"

"Did you know, he would go this insane after-" he glanced up at Goku who looked away from him.

"No! I didn't. Wasn't the reason we split up anyway...just tell the police, can you do that for me?!" Goku rose to his feet, fingers ran through his scalp. He was so grateful to still have Vegeta, his heart sunk after finding out about the attack, and it broke him having to watch Vegeta go through panic attacks.

Gohan looked over at Goku as he started to twirl his thumbs. "So, we are okay now?"

"Just stop lingering about and tell the police, I'll go fetch spare bedding." Goku avoided eye contact as he marched out the room to get spare bedding. He had to fight back the urge to go after Broly, he quickly peeped into the bedroom and smiled seeing Vegeta still asleep in a peaceful state, it was probably going to be another long night as he couldn't go in a deep sleep; wanting to ensure he was by Vegeta's side whenever a nightmare or panic attack crept in.

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