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I need some alcohol or something for writing this, Urgh...anyway...let's do this. Cringe or no cringe.. YezdanYava - he gives me the plots, I simply write them in. And he asked if I could write him in, now I hate describing appearances and it is something I will need to work on. For now...this'll do...
Spending a fortnight away helped the couple to spend much needed time together, they came back feeling rejuvenated. All stress from the last couple of months were no longer laying heavy on them like a burden. Vegeta was even sleeping better, no nightmares rearing it's ugly head; just calm and peacefulness. Things were looking up for them, they could focus on what's ahead rather than the past; if anything it helped build their relationship stronger. During their vacation, Bulma had started dating Tarble not that Vegeta was surprised, specially the way they were on New Years.  The two went out a lot leaving Vegeta alone with his dog Jack , whilst Goku was busy training the higher ranks for the next tournament. Vegeta was reluctant to go back to the dojo, after spending most the afternoon cleaning up the apartment; he sighed looking over at his dog who walked up to him holding a dog lead. He glanced out the window before checking the time, 4pm and thankfully the sky still looked pretty clear. Vegeta still felt anxious leaving the apartment on his own, looking back at Jack he knew he wasn't exactly going to be on his own as such. Vegeta walked over to get his shoes on he chuckled as Jack leaped, and tumbled over in excitement knowing he was going for a walk. Tail wagging in such excitement, Jack leaped off and on the furniture around Vegeta, so much energy bursting out his system.

"Alright, calm it." Vegeta rose to his feet folding his arms, he gave Jack a stern look that the dog instantly knew to obey and sit.

Walking along the park, he kept a firm grip on the lead his heart rate racing as they walked through a crowd of people. He hated how anxious he had become, he kept his attention on Jack; ignoring the odd glances from passerby's who cooed at the dog. There was a long stretch of greenery up ahead, tree branches swayed gently from the sudden gust of air swirling past them. Vegeta tucked his hands in his pockets keeping his head down as they continued to walk along the park. He felt a harsh tug on the lead, causing him to snap his head up looking at Jack who's head cocked side to side at the distance. Vegeta studied seeing some other dogs playing in the distance, he kept his grip on the lead and proceeded to walk ahead. Another sharp tug was felt which caused the lead to slip out from Vegeta's hand. "Fuck." He muttered under his breath as panic started to flood in his system. He felt a hard lump form inside his throat, his hands trembled as he lost sight of Jack. He frantically started calling out for the dog in sheer panic, his chest tightening up as he continued to run. He froze seeing a gentleman holding Jack in his arms, he let out a sigh of relief as he approach him.

"Is this your dog?" the man asked whilst petting Jack, he smiled seeing Vegeta giving him a nod. "he's very cute, first dog I take it?"

"Yeah, we adopted him. Well my boyfriend got me him to" Vegeta smiled slightly as he was handed Jack.

"I'm Yezo by the way." He offered his hand to shake.

"Vegeta." Shook his hand as he introduced himself, before placing Jack onto the ground. The pair walked rest of the park together, Vegeta felt at ease talking to him about his feelings. He had some trust issues with people, but he felt he could open up to this new person he just met.

"Thanks for earlier by the way, I thought he was just going to run off and I wasn't going to see him again." Vegeta sighed watching Jack now playing with the other dogs on the fresh patch of greenery.

"It's okay, he just got excited seeing my dog." Yezo smiled reassuringly.

"He's helped with my anxiety, at one point I wouldn't even leave the apartment." Vegeta confessed for laughing at himself, he felt so embarrassed that he could no longer step foot outside without the dog. "How stupid is that?" He sighed after laughing and shrugged at himself.

"It's not stupid, not stupid at all. I'm sorry to hear you suffer from anxiety, it's good your dog has helped with that." He smiled back at Vegeta as they both went to collect their dogs. They walked a little further, and for first time Vegeta opened up about himself, his life, his reason for moving here to meeting the love of his life. It felt natural to him, as if he had known Yezo for a while and not just an hour. They exchanged numbers as they left the park walking opposite way, Vegeta couldn't help but smile to himself, his nerves more relaxed as he headed back home with Jack.

He entered the empty apartment and laughed watching Jack run to his bed to collapse. He sighed looking at the time, and started to cook food whilst he awaited for Goku to return home. He was missing Goku even though it been a few hours, it felt like those hours so cruelly crawled forward; he didn't want to disturb Goku at work. So instead he set up the table lighting the candles, he kept the curtains open so the lights from the city illuminated into the apartment. Calming blue lights mixed with white, oranges and red sparkled in the distance. Vegeta felt his heart flicker as he heard the front door unlock, he quickly adjusted himself and placed the plate of food on the table. He stood by the table looking towards the door awaiting for Goku to walk in, he felt so excited to see his face.

"Hey-" Goku smiled hanging his coat up he glanced over at the candle lit meal Vegeta had so carefully prepared. "wow, you didn't have to." He approached Vegeta and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I wanted to." He pulled out a chair for Goku to sit on, and walked over the the chair opposite.

"You seem a lot more relaxed today." Goku smiled over at Vegeta, the candle light flickering casting mesmerising shadows around them. He looked around noticing the silence. "Where's your brother?"

"Over Bulmas." He shrugged as he proceeded to tuck into his meal.

Goku looked over seeing Jack curled up in his bed, he smiled back at Vegeta. "You walked the dog today then?"

Vegeta scrunched his nose up. "Of course I did."

"I didn't mean it in a nasty way, I'm glad you are getting out more on your own." He couldn't keep his eyes off Vegeta as the candle light complimented his appearance more, rich orange and yellow hues with shadows hugging at the right areas, showing off the well sculpted face and body.

"I even made a friend today."

"You did?" He took a sip from his glass of wine that Vegeta had poured him. "Did they offer you hot chocolate?"


"You'd be anyone's friend who'd offer you hot chocolate it's like crack to you." Goku grinned seeing Vegeta pull a face at him.

"Very funny, no met him through Jack. The lil shit ran off, and he caught him for me. I actually opened up about my mental health to him."  Vegeta glanced over at the dog before taking a sip of his drink.

"That's good isn't it?"

"It is-" Vegeta sighed looking down, he hadn't opened up to many people about his anxieties.

"Hey, you're doing so well, it'll get easier I promise. It's good you are making friends who you can open up to." Goku reached his hand out to Vegeta, they both look deeply into each other's eyes as a smile is shared between them.

They continued the night with Goku talking about his work, and about some happy memories. They cleaned up together and headed off to bed. Goku laid still watching Vegeta look so serene as he was slowly drifting off to sleep. He smiled stroking side of Vegeta's face, he felt so lucky to have someone who lit up his world and then some in his life. "Vegeta." He whispered whilst still stroking side of his lovers face.


"I love you." He grabbed Vegetas hand and planted a soft delicate kiss.

"Same." Vegeta smiled his eyes still closed as he was slowly drifting off to sleep.

Goku chuckled to himself pulling Vegeta in closer so that their heart beats were felt beating in sync.

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